Ronda vs Rickson, who wins?

It would look like this


or this


Either way too many arms and pointy elbows
Uh, Rickson by a country mile?

Black and Red in BJJ (8th degree)
Black belt in Judo
Sambo gold medalist
Brazilian Freestyle Wrestling champion

Oh, and he fought at 185 pounds.

Seriously, this is the best troll thread you could come up with?
In mma Ronda knocks out Rickson standing. He was one of the worst standup fighters in all of history.
Even old man Rickson would tool Ronda both in MMA and or a Metamoris style match gi or no-gi.
Brazilian Freestyle Wrestling champion

That's worthless.
Ronda would win the MALE brazilian freestyle championships. The level of wrestling in Brazil SUCKS.
And it used to be much worse.
What needs to happen is Ronda has to stop with the foolishness. She can't beat trained men. Hell watching her roll with Mousasi was ridiculous. It looks like a 7 year old child trying to wrestle with his dad. She's trying so hard and straining and twitching and Mousasi's half asleep.

this 1000% FUCKING THIS!:mad: sticky this post!I'm tired of Rhonda talking shit about beating Floyd mayweather in a street fight, she wants to shit talk and troll him someone she knows she'll never fight. but duck Cyborg?!?!?. Now she wants to fight meisha Tate again lol. Rhonda is legit but she needs a humbling in the worst way.

"pride comes before the fall" people.
LOL....a women at 140/150 lbs vs a man at 190/200lbs ?? Rickson easily without even trying.
Rickson is stronger and a superior grappler. Who do you think wins?

And I am a big believer that Rickson's resume is bullshit. Still, he is probably the greatest jits player of all time.
I'd pay a lot of money to see Ronda fight a man and get the living shit beaten out of her. Her ego is out of control and a good ass kicking will fix that.
I'd pay a lot of money to see Ronda fight a man and get the living shit beaten out of her. Her ego is out of control and a good ass kicking will fix that.

What would it prove? If the dude loses everyone will go into the usual rinse cycle of "He's a beta" or "He wasn't trying".

Heck, there's been more than a few clips of actual competition fights with money and pride on the line where women beat men in actual competitions and they're always discounted as the guy not trying or that they're weak and not real men.

Let's say Rousey fought Mayweather, tossed him on his head and arm barred him. Would all her critics say, "Gee, maybe she's legit"? No, they'd call it fixed, or insult Mayweather, or say "Of course she beats a guy without grappling".

The same would happen if she rolled with Caraway and rag dolled him across the gym. Or if she fought a 40th ranked UFC fighter and arm barred him.

There's ALWAYS an excuse for why a guy loses to a woman. Yet if the guy wins it's always "Of course, he's a guy".

Face it, there is no situation where everyone is going to be satisfied.

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