

White Belt
Mar 19, 2008
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Ok everyone, I've been going to a club for almost 3 months, 4 times a week, for 1-2 hours and my techniques thus far are pretty good and I pick up on them quickly.

However, when I roll, I generally last very long because I have good defense, but off the start I can never achieve a dominant position, I ALWAYS seem to end up on the bottom of side control, or mount, or north south.

When they take mount I can usually always roll them over into their guard, but then they just get their legs in, and push me off, and then we're back to square one.

I always feel as if I'm just getting pushed around by guys bigger and stronger than me, even though half the time the guys are the same size as me.

Any tips?
yes, after reading this thread I am able to determine exactly what you are doing wrong in class.

Listen, you just need to keep training. 3 months is an extremely short period of time and not likely enough for you to become extremely proficient in the art of jiu jitsu. it takes time to get good.
Ok everyone, I've been going to a club for almost 3 months, 4 times a week, for 1-2 hours and my techniques thus far are pretty good and I pick up on them quickly.

However, when I roll, I generally last very long because I have good defense, but off the start I can never achieve a dominant position, I ALWAYS seem to end up on the bottom of side control, or mount, or north south.

When they take mount I can usually always roll them over into their guard, but then they just get their legs in, and push me off, and then we're back to square one.

I always feel as if I'm just getting pushed around by guys bigger and stronger than me, even though half the time the guys are the same size as me.

Any tips?

Don't worry so much about defending. You don't actually have good defense if you never achieve a dominate position, and you end up on the bottom of those positions a lot. In fact, establishing a good position is the first goal of jiu-jitsu. So instead of trying to defend every submission, try executing those techniques you think you are picking up quickly. Especially concentrate on the positional escapes. This is because if you mess up your techniques, you can escape and try again. Socrates thought that true wisdom was to know that you know nothing. Remember that advice, and drill your escapes.
welcome to jiu jitsu.

it sucks when you start training because you spend all your time underneath better grapplers. the more you train the more you notice that you start getting out of these positions, and then you actually start pulling submissions off.

there is nothing that anyone on a forum is going to tell you thats going to make the difference that plenty of mat time gets you. keep training, you'll start to see improvements slowly but surely.
work on your guard. It sounds like you are a smaller guy and if you are not in getting in a position to pass, it sounds like you seem to favor fighting off your back. If thats the case, work on your guard game. Closed guard, Open guard, Half Guard. Also work on escapes and getting back to you guard. There are a lot of good BJJ players out there that have strong bottom games.
Except wrestling and jiu-jitsu have different opinions on what is a good position.

I'm curious, what do you think a good position is in wrestling and jiu-jitsu? I don't find them very different.
I'm curious, what do you think a good position is in wrestling and jiu-jitsu? I don't find them very different.

Guard is a big one you won't see in wrestling for obvious reasons, lol