Rolling with bigger inexperienced guys sucks


Black Belt
Jul 19, 2005
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Yesterday I rolled with a guy who weighed 300 pounds and only has a couple of weeks training max. I weigh 150 pounds. This guy was exactly twice my size. Needless to say the guy fucked up my shoulder. Not too serious, but I couldn't roll for the rest of the day and it will probably hurt for a week or so. I learned my lesson and I will not be rolling with bigger guys with no experience. Bigger guys that are really good are another story. They know their limits and won't hurt you. This guy was just trying to tap me out any way he could and now my shoulder hurts like a mother fucker. Lesson learned.
Hammer_Fist said:
Yesterday I rolled with a guy who weighed 300 pounds and only has a couple of weeks training max. I weigh 150 pounds. This guy was exactly twice my size. Needless to say the guy fucked up my shoulder. Not too serious, but I couldn't roll for the rest of the day and it will probably hurt for a week or so. I learned my lesson and I will not be rolling with bigger guys with no experience. Bigger guys that are really good are another story. They know their limits and won't hurt you. This guy was just trying to tap me out any way he could and now my shoulder hurts like a mother fucker. Lesson learned.
go with the flow

a guy at my gym is 110 past me. So he is just 30 shy of your opponent.

you can't play rock with them. you are water.
I've been trying to explain to a big noob at class that he needs to learn positions before submissions. Honestly, the guy can hardly even sit down without losing his balance. He's like, oh, ok I get it. Then 2 seconds later he's like, "Can you show me some submissions? I wanna tap out that blue belt over there."
We should start a thread just for stupid noob quotes.
i love rolling with big innexperianced guys, because they undoubtably leave all the slick small guy submissions open (omo plata, leg locks, and armbars/triangle chokes from gaurd) if you can just hold a possition and not let them do anything they get really frustrated, like just run them ragged from gaurd, or mount them and just ride them....

just make sure you tap quick, kuz a lot of th etime they dont know their own strength
Arm drag, get the back, hold a body triangle and wait around for a choke. The safest spot to be in if you're a small guy. Or if it's a sub grappling class, get the back, get your hooks in, try flatten him out, go for a full nelson.

As for noob quotes, I coach after my kickboxing class doing the grappling session and we have one guy who we kind of make fun of, because he always ask "what if..." questions. I'll show a takedown or throw or sub and before I have finished demonstrating he'll be asking "But what if he's got a mate/a weapon/is bigger than you/struggles etc". Now others ask me jokingly "what do you do if a tiger attacks you in the jungle and he's carrying ebola?" and other such things to make light of his precocious nature.
Exactly, take the back. I work on getting my guard or half guard back, play around a little and he'll wear himself out. Big noobs are fun sometimes.
Rolling against a big inexperienced guy can give you a really good gauge of weaknesses in your game. I recommend doing it whenever possible. You might need to find a way to build up to it so that you don't get injured though.
Be smart, don't roll against an animal if you're half his size unless he has a modicum of control. Getting stacked by somebody that big can leave you out of the game for weeks! Hope your shoulder gets better soon, man.

Me, I put the big bastards in my gaurd and put a lapel choke on right away. Before I put them in my guard tho', I run around a lot to make those big suckers work, if they're gassed they tap alot faster!
Steeltwo said:
go with the flow

a guy at my gym is 110 past me. So he is just 30 shy of your opponent.

you can't play rock with them. you are water.

Most of the time, it sucks, but it's all the sweeter when you finally tap them. I've been in the military for about a year now, and been sparring with a lot of standup guys and guys who had no experience, but who were sure they could take me because they were bigger and fitter than me. I've lost twice to a guy with more grappling experience than me and who was bigger, and won everything else. Most of the unexperienced guys sat up afterwards and just stared at me and wondered what the f*ck just happened :D.

Oh yeah by the way: I've got one week left of my service in the military. One week and after that I'll be back on the mat! For the first month, I'll sleep on the mat and live out of it!
Yeah the bigger guys i just pull guard or try to stay safe, not let them attack. I dont even try attacking untill they start getting tired and slow.

They are bigger, stronger... have to play the cards you a delt. Speed, endurance...... just wait them out and the pick them apart.
everyone has a weakness when i say everyone i mean everyone bigger people have weakness such as long legs and long arms which will make them easy for you to grab and manipulate and also if you go for the legs when u go the take down they lose balance easily and fall.
I love rolling with enormous dudes. Just make sure I'm really warmed up nowdays. 90% of my BJJ injuries have come from rolling with mammoth agro dudes at the start of class.
Let's go light aye?
*snap, crackle, pop*
Oh, and I find one of the best things to do is try and get them on their back (easier said then done). When the giants start getting a guard, things start getting really tough.
For me, the "bigger guys" are usually shorter and wider than me so they don't have long, easily grabbed limbs, hell, some of them don't even seem to have necks. I suppose the whole point of ju-jitsu is to learn to beat these "bigger" guys.

Don't try to match their strength, get to a position you like and be careful when going for subs. There's probably not much advice that applies to big guys that doesn't apply to guys your own size or smaller really.
I remember rolling with a friend of mine, big guy, about 50 kilos heavier than I was. Athletic as well, plays football (gridiron) now, used to do handball.

Anyway he got into my guard, tried to twist my arm, but in the end both of us gassed and called it a draw. From his point of view he won cos I was on my back, but we know better :p I'm hoping I'd beat him now (that was christmas and I still been training since)
Hammer_Fist said:
Yesterday I rolled with a guy who weighed 300 pounds and only has a couple of weeks training max. I weigh 150 pounds. This guy was exactly twice my size. Needless to say the guy fucked up my shoulder. Not too serious, but I couldn't roll for the rest of the day and it will probably hurt for a week or so. I learned my lesson and I will not be rolling with bigger guys with no experience.

you might as well tell us that you won't roll with newbies at all, since in my experience they always end up (regardless of weight) poking your eye, accidentally elbowing you or something like that. also, be happy he only fucked up your shoulder and didn't neck crank you into hospital. tell him to take it easy and work on controlling him. (don't go into guard immediately. if he's not gassed yet he'll probably stack you like a deck of cards.) if you know your stuff it should not be difficult for you to control him for 2-3 minutes and if he is as heavy as you say (and very inexperienced) he will gas after that. i weigh 150 pounds and the above worked for me as soon as i had around 4 months of experience (for opponents around 250 pounds).
Hammer_Fist said:
Yesterday I rolled with a guy who weighed 300 pounds and only has a couple of weeks training max. I weigh 150 pounds. This guy was exactly twice my size. Needless to say the guy fucked up my shoulder. Not too serious, but I couldn't roll for the rest of the day and it will probably hurt for a week or so. I learned my lesson and I will not be rolling with bigger guys with no experience. Bigger guys that are really good are another story. They know their limits and won't hurt you. This guy was just trying to tap me out any way he could and now my shoulder hurts like a mother fucker. Lesson learned.

Ive never had that problem......Ive had fun rollin with bigger inexperienced guys, since I began training.

It was a big confidence booster for me......I was like wow...I can really DO this shit!
I guess I should also say that personally, I am a very adaptive and relaxed grappler....I dont strength anybody...even on the rare occasion when I can.....I always took the approach of ok, I cant move this guy around, but I CAN move around this guy.....I just looked at it as climbing a mountain.

perhaps its just my personal style, I dunno.
theres this one big goofy guy in my academy. he has no technique, just muscules everything. today he was giving up arm bars all day but then just clammed up and held his arm for dear life. finally i just got annoyed and started playing a different game with him and i turtle and he goes for a rnc, no hooks and just squeezes my face. not wanting a torn up face from sliding out of this half assed move i tap. i guess he feels good even though he was being tooled up until his "submission". after that, i took myself out of the match and just tried to avoid injury rolling with this spazz and fustrated him with an open guard game.

point of all this? let them go as nuts as they want, muscule everything they want. just avoid getting hurt by them and have a good time laughing in your head about how clueless they are. i talked to a brown belt after class and this was said, which was very true: "hes never going to get better, while we progress, hes going to stay at the same level. his ego will never allow him to get good."

i need to add a new person to the list of those i wont roll with.