Rolling tonight.


White Belt
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
So I finally rolled with a guy who did not know when to give up.

Here's how training went tonight.

Start off doing our usual drills, I partnered up with a guy who said he had been coming for about 3 months. I figured whatever he seemed really nice and had a decent grasp of the basics considering his experience in BJJ.

The last half of our classes is always a free roll, before we roll he asks me to show him some subs from the mount ( this is when I started to get the feeling he was greener than he said he was). I show him a basic cross collar and the Ezekiel choke quickly.
We move onto rolling.

I pull spider guard then move to my closed guard after he spazzed around like crazy trying to get out of spider. He continues to try to Ezekiel choke me while in my gaurd, going crazy hard at me, so I use my feet on his hips to push him away.
Then he tries for the same choke I quickly throw him into a Triangle, lock it in tight, no tap...
I hug my knee and begin to hear him struggling to breath, look at his face.. he's completely purple, but no tap...
I let go of the triangle go back to guard, pull a cross collar choke on him.
Deep again.... no tap even as he goes purple. Finally i transition to arm bar and get the tap...

After the roll I said " I'm not trying to be a prick, but if you're really caught just tap man, we're training ..and you can get injured by going 100% all the time. "

He got the idea and said " thanks for the advice I guess I was going a little hard."

My question is: Should I have let him learn the hard way by making him go to sleep?

Or did I do the right thing my transitioning to something else then talking with him after.
I think what you did was fine (the pep talk) it seems he got the idea. If he goes spazz again...then you know what to do. :icon_chee
Hes only been training a couple months. Its not his fault he doesnt know when to tap.

It takes time.

Believe me, after another few months, and perhaps getting put to sleep a few times, and having his arm poped, he'll know exactly when to tap.
You seem to have handled it pretty well. I don't think I would have been so charitable in your place.
I am VERY inexperienced with grappling, but I am a pro at getting hurt :p

The only potential problem I see with the armbar is him spazzing out and possibly injuring himself. It's slight, but I could see myself doing it. It sounds like you did really good talking with him about that, though. Much props.

I would have appreciated that sort of thoughtful approach when my Sifu offered to chi sao with me for the first (and only) time. No explanation of the principle. After a chuckle at my obvious inexperience, I got a mantis claw to the throat and then groin.


Yeah, yeah, I know. Cool story, bro.
As I was reading it I was thinking "Why didn't you just keep squeezing??", but having thought about it I reckon you were dead right. I've never come across anyone who wouldn't tap from a fully locked in choke before, never even thought about it, but I hope I'd have the common sense to give them a chance to learn. Nice one :icon_chee
Good work dude. You showed more restraint than I would've been able to.
Just put the guy to sleep, it is not going to hurt him and it will let him know how long he can really hang on while being choked.
So I finally rolled with a guy who did not know when to give up.

Here's how training went tonight.

Start off doing our usual drills, I partnered up with a guy who said he had been coming for about 3 months. I figured whatever he seemed really nice and had a decent grasp of the basics considering his experience in BJJ.

The last half of our classes is always a free roll, before we roll he asks me to show him some subs from the mount ( this is when I started to get the feeling he was greener than he said he was). I show him a basic cross collar and the Ezekiel choke quickly.
We move onto rolling.

I pull spider guard then move to my closed guard after he spazzed around like crazy trying to get out of spider. He continues to try to Ezekiel choke me while in my gaurd, going crazy hard at me, so I use my feet on his hips to push him away.
Then he tries for the same choke I quickly throw him into a Triangle, lock it in tight, no tap...
I hug my knee and begin to hear him struggling to breath, look at his face.. he's completely purple, but no tap...
I let go of the triangle go back to guard, pull a cross collar choke on him.
Deep again.... no tap even as he goes purple. Finally i transition to arm bar and get the tap...

After the roll I said " I'm not trying to be a prick, but if you're really caught just tap man, we're training ..and you can get injured by going 100% all the time. "

He got the idea and said " thanks for the advice I guess I was going a little hard."

My question is: Should I have let him learn the hard way by making him go to sleep?

Or did I do the right thing my transitioning to something else then talking with him after.

So what you're asking is...

Do you simply let go of a submission because it doesn't matter if you win or lose in a class?


Risk injury to your training partner by putting him to sleep in training class?

You must also be very new.
Just put the guy to sleep, it is not going to hurt him and it will let him know how long he can really hang on while being choked.

You sound like the kind of guy that wears Tapout and Affliction.
I think you need to work on your subs i.e choke. They are not working.

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