Rolled ankle, ankle pain


White Belt
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
I rolled my ankle doing a roundhouse kick.. brought the leg back rolled it towards the outside.. this was tuesday.. i iced, and took advil, and have it in a compression type sleeve.. i still feel pain along the outside ish/middle up on my ankle.. its not that extreme where i cant walk but i can defenitely feel it.. help is greatly appreciated..

(Ps.. i cant really afford to see a therapist.. 1 session is around 70 dollars here.. and for 7-8 sessions the price would really pile up..)
I'm a chronic ankle roller. I've roller it so bad it's bruised a few times. My best advice it to just suck it up. I've never been able to see anyone over mine because I'm too cheap. I'd keep it elevated, eat properly, and get plenty of rest. You want it to heal the best it can and as quickly as possible. I reccoment using something to prevent it from happening in the future.
therapists aren't usually useful for acute sprains/strains, because they usually just slap on a bag of ice, which you can do on your own. they are good for rehab after the swelling gone down and they do light resistant and flexibility exercises to retrain the muscle faster. but again you can do somethings on your own if you know what you are doing.

how swollen is it? i'd keep icing it until theres no swelling at all.

whether you should continue training depends on how hurt it is but you can always try to do something like pushups, abs, swim, etc, if it's too injured for regular training.

you can tape it up(preferably from someone with sports taping training) but dont rely too much on it since you want to strength your muscles.
sounds like a high ankle sprain to me

i injured mine during some jiu jitsu training and it took A LONG time to heal.
Just make sure you stick with the treatment. I dislocated an ankle about ten years ago and never let it heal properly. Now I have arthritis in it. Give it time to heal, including staying off it as much as possible (and don't drive a stick shift if you can help it).