Wow!!! Nice ….They were saying last night that they expect 70k at the Tokyo Dome for this event.
It adds up. The UFC wants to get back into Japan, and having a fighter who main evented an event with a presumed 70k fans in the stands kinda ensures success for a UFC event. They're not pulling 70k, but if they sold out Saitama, that's a win.I have a feeling this is an ufc entry match.
With those recent renewed ties between dana and saki, i believe the winner gets a high spot on an upcoming japan event.
If hiramoto manages to win (again? Im not sure), he may even get a main event (Im being too high here).
He was supposed to have retired, and did, but the Asakura name is too big in Japan to let him waste his career, and RIZIN knows it. Japanese fans love a redemption arc, and the 70k expectancy at the Tokyo Dome is kinda fitting, when you take that into account.Am I crazy... I though Asakura retired... obviously not.
Hope he works on his defense.
I'm down for this guy if he adds the nickname "Kylo" to the beginning of his name.Ren Hiramoto says the greatest entertainment show on earth is Jay z and Kanye West sharing the stage. He tells Dana white he's the next Jones and Conor combined.
The kid has a very unique idea of his own American dream.