RIP Scotty!!


where are all the new reports for all the dead 5th away team members and red shirt crew members that died in the prime of their lives?!?!

you never hear about ensign smith who was turned into a cube and crushed

or lt edwards... who was eaten by a plant!!

or even lt cmdr dingleberry who had all the salt sucked out of him on tethis 4!!

its not fair i tell you... not fair!
Man that first Star Trek was the best, I loved that show. Rest in peace Scotty.

Note: Anyone besides me ever try that James Kirk double handed, interlocking fingers, over the head smash to the back of and opponent?
RIP man...You got beamed up for the last time, to the big castle in the sky.
Live long and propser Scotty!

Brand Nizzle said:
RIP man...You got beamed up for the last time, to the big castle in the sky.
He got beamed down to hell!
PorkchopExpress said:
2 in the pink... 2 in the stink

Get your mind out of the gutter!

You must be thinking of the episode where spock made the long and prosper sign to Lt. Ohura but then stuck his tounge between his fingers and wriggled it up and down to let her know he likes it black on the outside and pink on the inside.