Movies RIP Joel Schumacher - Dies aged 80

damn. RIP.

While I was no fan of his Batman films, he was a quality director.

the Lost Boys and Falling Down are a classic and a near classic respectively.
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Made the GOAT Vampire movie

made the worst Batman ever tho.
I dunno man that Justice League shit killed me, Joel's Batman was gay as fuck though
Lost Boys is the best vampire movie ever, quite an important part of my childhood. Likely I've watched that more than any other film.

I think I've watched it every year since it came out on video

Couple years back there was a reunion in Manchester, all the lads were there including saxophone dude
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Batman Forever was a huge part of my childhood and I will always thank him for that and those nostalgic memories. RIP

He directed some classics. RIP. Really good director until he tried his hand at Tim Burton's Batman franchise. By then I think he was losing his touch, though. It happens to some of the best. I mean, WTF did Francis Ford Coppola, legendary director of the Godfather I/II and Apocalypse Now, do after the 80's?
I didn’t know he directed this. It was one of my dad’s favorite movies. I still think about it every January the 8th....when I’m not working...cause that’s Elvis’ birthday!
I had no idea he did movies like Falling a Down or a Time to Kill. I only knew him for Lost Boys, Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. Didn’t realize he had movies in his body of work that were so much more “mature” for lack of a better word.