Rickson Videos you have probably not seen


Purple Belt
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Old comp vids, not Rigan/Rickson or Copa De Lightning 86 hl or vale tudo matches.

Peixotinho X Rickson Gracie - 1984

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/UXgkJNjpDF0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/UXgkJNjpDF0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Those were sweet! Almost looks like Helio is the ref in his fight against Peixotinho? I wonder if he would be easier or harder with the scoring? I could see Helio being harsh with Rickson.

"No take down, you both slipped."
"No mount...his left pinky toe is still out."
"You call that knee on belly? Work for it!"

Nice set of vids though. Always good to see a master working his craft.
those are all good, but what about the Zulu fight?

lol, my old instructor reffed that match
those are all good, but what about the Zulu fight?

lol, my old instructor reffed that match

Jesus, for real? That must have been an easy job back then. "Watch the eye gouge, Zulu. No, no. I mean use your finger, not that rusty shank that bum just threw in here."
Not to thread jack but if you search the last video


on youtube, you will also find a Relson Gracie and Royler Gracie video.
Not to thread jack but if you search the last video


on youtube, you will also find a Relson Gracie and Royler Gracie video.

Jack it! Jack it! I can't find the vids?! Links?
Wow. Rickson gets mount in like 30 seconds into each match. Then its just downhill for his opponents...
Ugh, looks like they just pulled the second two videos ... Got to see the first one, though ... Thanks! Always, always, always love to see Rickson roll.
Thanks. Not enough footage of him out there -- glad to see some new stuff (new to me, anyway).
Jack it! Jack it! I can't find the vids?! Links?

I just checked and it looks like it was removed but if you search youtube for Cantao Jiu Jitsu it looks like it is a contest between Carlson Gracie students versus Helio Gracie family members. There is 4 sessions, session 1 has some crazy beginning so just bear with it then it has a minute of Relson (we think), then it switches to Royler, then you see Jean Jacque Machado and then Rickson. The video is grainy and old from 1980s.