He’s a total can, mediocre player who can’t help but sniff his own farts at every opportunity. Every video he pushes his shallow ideas. Trying to come up with reasons why music today isn’t consumed the same as when he was younger. The dude has zero concept of music outside of pop, and doesn’t bother learning it. He pretty much finds a way to shit on any band post 1970z He leaches off of the popularity of others like Tosin Anasi and Tim Henson, but wont bother with anyone outside of meme music circles. Even then he has issues with their music because there’s not vocals. Like that’s somehow an issue they’re doing what they want. I understand he wants views and to grow his channel, but for fucks sake he’s pretty lazy with his content. He helped sevendust and that’s his claim to fame. Literally anyone could have produced that record. Lastly (there’s way more but fuck it) he’s shilling awful product. Lately he had this video of the best music nobody is listening to and it’s some dipshit who he helped produce. It’s a bad product and he can’t get over the fact his opinion on this kid wasn’t accepted and popular. The dudes a whore for popularity and he even made a video about his kid having perfect pitch which was fucking awkward
also Rhett Schull can fuck off. So can Pete Thorn and Tim pierce. Pierce is a genuinely good guy and a good player but he’s a salesman at this point and a dishonest one at best. I think Tim Pierce is just genuinely not very intelligent. Sorry for the side rant on the guy because I do think he’s a good dude.