Rich people before becoming fighters

i bet a fair amount of American fighters come from money. a lot of them went to college and were able to train full time. that's something only money can afford you.
This is how it was in the beginning that's why a lot of the earlier fighters came from college wrestling. All the mma gyms were only in the rich cities. That was the main reason I couldn't train when I was younger, it was too far from where I lived plus LA traffic and too expensive at the time.
Carlos Condit-
Carlos Condit aspired to be a lawyer when he was younger. His father, Brian, was the chief of staff for former New Mexico governor and Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson.
Really, Condit could have been anything he wanted. Yet he chose to make his living fighting in a cage.

People don't realize this though. That's why I don't judge people that have rich parents unless it's obvious all their money just comes from their parents. Most of the time they don't help from what I've seen from other people. You have rich people always saying they won't be giving their money to their kids all the time. So it's not always cut and dry with the assumptions.
That’s not how it works... what schools you go to and what skills you develop from your parents matter. If they come from a wealthy zip code they have many advantages
Royce Gracie. The first few UFC's were informercials for his family's MA schools.
I was under the impression he's old money. They had already come to the U.S teaching BJJ for movies like Lethal Weapon (1987) and opening schools, doing seminars. That just made them insanely rich.
yeah, but how many get full ride scholarships? and how many still have to buy the other things that go along with going to college? i'm just saying, i bet there's more Americans who come from money than any of the other countries.
I mean Colby was a top recruited talent, same with guys like DC, Askren, and Johny Hendricks... Hendricks even still holds one of the best high school and college wrestling records ever, I don’t think he lost a match until his senior year in college. Henry Cejudo’s talent was so beyond ordinary he came from a poor family of undocumented immigrants and went to the Olympics straight out of highschool. There are serious wrestlers that have gained championship status in the UFC
The interesting thing is that a lot of the MMA fighters from well off backgrounds still show a lot of heart and agression in fights. I wonder if the whole poor people make better fighters thing is exaggerated. Like if all schools had MMA or boxing programs available in the same way that football and basketball is, do y'all still think lower income people would still dominate like they do in boxing and to a lesser degree MMA?
Once mma becomes really mainstream and those people get into mma we'll see. They aren't really into mma yet or actively training/pursuing it for the most part. There are some but it's not like how they are pursuing boxing, ball sports, and music. MMA gyms have primarily been in rich cities and monthly/sign-ups fees are expensive. You are not going to get a lot of people from those communities with that price range.
That’s not how it works... what schools you go to and what skills you develop from your parents matter. If they come from a wealthy zip code they have many advantages
Depends where they live and there a very few wealthy zip codes. The rest is right smack in there with everyone else. If you are talking about Beverly Hills or something than yeah. The thing with perceived advantages, they have to be taken advantage of. Like I said not all rich parents help their kids out. You see lots of stories from celebs children not doing well or not getting help from their parents. People assume since their parents are famous stars with millions that their kids have millions when a lot of times they are broke. Yeah most probably help their children and cover all expenses but I've seen enough examples to know that isn't always the case for everyone. So I don't assume or judge unless I know for sure. If they have no income that they bring in themselves and it's obvious they are just pulling all expenses from their parents, then yeah that's easy life. But a lot also don't help their kids. Like Dr Dres daughter who had a gofund me over and over again asking for money because she was broke and homeless even though she had a full time job and other gig jobs. So it's not the same for everyone.

Even Jackie Chan said he didn't want to give his money to his kids when he dies and they need to learn how to get their own money. A lot of them want their kids to figure it out on their own without their help. So I don't assume until I know the situation because it's different for every family.
Anyone else besides BJ Penn came into the game with money?
Can you add that some context should be added with the names in your op? Seriously just saying a name with no context doesn't help.

How did u get dubs brother?

Israel Adesanya
Context please.
Dillashaw and Cerrone
Context please

maybe bev hills ninja as well? iirc someone said he comes from money
Who and context?
Jose Aldo
I thought he was poor as fuck unless u at being funny context please.
Just because your parents have some money doesn’t always mean you do.
Agree but u will at some point...... Maybe.
Frank Mir, I think.
Context please

Define rich. Lotta fighters come from well off backgrounds to get to where they're at today.

You have to start somewhere and they had plenty of support to get there.
I agree. I really wish ppl would put some context here as to what they mean by rich. My wife and I pull in $140k together and we are absolutely not rich. We are middle as it gets but lower middle and under think we are rich.
Uriah faber
Context please
Jinh Yu Frey
Miranda Maverick (daddy owns a ranch the size of Texas)
Kevin Lee
Context please.
The question is impossible to answer without defining "rich." Judging by the answers in this thread, it seems like we're talking about upper middle class, which isn't remotely close to being rich.
That's what I'm getting. No one is adding context here at all just saying a name.
The interesting thing is that a lot of the MMA fighters from well off backgrounds still show a lot of heart and agression in fights. I wonder if the whole poor people make better fighters thing is exaggerated. Like if all schools had MMA or boxing programs available in the same way that football and basketball is, do y'all still think lower income people would still dominate like they do in boxing and to a lesser degree MMA?
Wealth has nothing to do with fighting. You either got it or not. How would money determine how tough you are? I get that if you are "rich" you don't "need" to win for the money but that doesn't change your desire and pride.
People don't realize this though. That's why I don't judge people that have rich parents unless it's obvious all their money just comes from their parents. Most of the time they don't help from what I've seen from other people. You have rich people always saying they won't be giving their money to their kids all the time. So it's not always cut and dry with the assumptions.
My aunt and uncle are rich and my cousin lives in poverty as a dog groomer. They won't give her shit bc they are greedy fucks and care more about their money than their daughter. My parents are going through hardship as well and they haven't helped a bit.