Rewatched Titanic last night for the first time since 1997



This was one of those movies that I've been meaning to rewatch for a long time now but the sheer enormity of its 3 hour and 14 minute runtime has kept me putting it off. I found a good deal on the Blu-Ray the other day though and was like, okay, well I guess it's time to pull the trigger on this one.

I get that a lot of dudes just write this one off as the cheesy love story with Leo on a sinking ship--and it certainly IS that--but it's still a really solid film, and on a technical level it's an amazing achievement. The CGI in this film can rival most of what we see today, and there were also a ton of excellent practical effects as well. The film is just so large in scope that it takes someone like James Cameron to pull it off in a convincing way.

Good Will Hunting or Boogie Nights may have been more deserving of the Oscar that year, but it does not surprise me at all that Titanic won.

This Blu-Ray is a beast as well: 3 different commentaries, over 60 behind-the-scenes featurettes, and two new retrospective features with James Cameron. That's like 15 hours of material. Crazy.

Anyone watched this film recently? And if so, where do you fall on it? Do you LOL @ this stupid love story or do you think it's a great movie?

They had sex in one of those old cars and my grandpa didn't like it at all
It was the first movie I saw in theaters with tits in it.
Number of times I've seen Titanic: 0.

And, yes, I was old enough for all of the hype in 97.

Fuck that gay ass shit. We all already knew how it ended.
Number of times I've seen Titanic: 0.

And, yes, I was old enough for all of the hype in 97.

Fuck that gay ass shit. We all already knew how it ended.

LOL. C'mon, man.

You have to watch it before you can talk shit.
It's a great movie overall. I've been meaning to upgrade to BD. The last time I saw it was when it was re-released in theaters in 3D.
Watch pathetic "epic historical fiction" movies like Pompeii and USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage, and you will appreciate what James Cameron achieved here.
A little too Hollywood in some respects, but overall it's a great movie.

I remember when people were calling it the next "Waterworld" during the production, because costs had spiraled out of control, and everyone was predicting it was going to be a massive flop.

Given the results, can you be anymore wrong than that?
Watch pathetic "epic historical fiction" movies like Pompeii and USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage, and you will appreciate what James Cameron achieved here.

I've seen Pompeii, but have not yet had the privilege of watching Cage's new masterpiece.

I thought Pompeii had its moments, but no, it wasn't a great film. I did appreciate some of the FX work, though.
I've seen Pompeii, but have not yet had the privilege of watching Cage's new masterpiece.

I thought Pompeii had its moments, but no, it wasn't a great film. I did appreciate some of the FX work, though.

I learned one thing from Pompeii: Paul W.S. Anderson has seen Gladiator.
An Ex found out I had never seen Titanic and forced me to watch it a couple of years ago. I knew the basic plot of the movie, and it was less bad than I expected. What bothered me was Rose stealing the necklace.

First off when her dick fiance left it with her, she pocketed it and basically stole it. Fast forward 70? years, she tricks the camera crew into a free trip when she had it the entire time.
I learned one thing from Pompeii: Paul W.S. Anderson has seen Gladiator.

Paul WS Anderson is so hit and miss as a director. When he's on, I think he's one of the best B-movie directors around. But when we missteps, he usually does so pretty severely.

I enjoyed Mortal Kombat, Soldier, Event Horizon, AvP, Three Musketeers and a couple of his Resident Evil movies, though.
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