Rewatched Leben/Brunson - Not THAT Bad


Steel Belt
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
The "badness" of this bout has been sort of exaggerated . . . The first two rounds were actually fairly entertaining tbh. It was the last round - particularly when the boobirds came out . . . left maybe not a true taste in Dana & Co.'s minds. They both looked tired yes, but I was surprised watching it again - definitely not nearly as bad as I remembered or thought. Considering both had their reasons for being "off" (Leben being out so long, Brunson taking the fight on short notice). Anyway, just surprised on a 2nd watch.
I don't like the term "bad" fight....everyone has different opinions on what they like to see and what technical aspects are displayed.

This fight however was disappointing. Neither guy looked like he wanted to win. Positional fights with the guy on top not looking to pass or sub, and the guy on the bottom not doing anything just doesn't make for a fun watch.

can't say I need to re-watch it.
I've seen too many bad fights to call that a bad fight.

Leben just didn't do anything.
I don't like the term "bad" fight....everyone has different opinions on what they like to see and what technical aspects are displayed.

This fight however was disappointing. Neither guy looked like he wanted to win. Positional fights with the guy on top not looking to pass or sub, and the guy on the bottom not doing anything just doesn't make for a fun watch.

can't say I need to re-watch it.

Well, they both looked tired, and I wouldn't even call what they did point fighting. Leben actually "just missed" a haymaker uppercut in the third. He was actually stalking Brunson. Again, the first two rounds weren't awful . . . There were a few decent exchanges - Leben attempted an arm-bar that almost got sunk, landed a few solid, solid punches. I think it was mostly that last round that tainted eveyone's perception. That and giant expectations.
I've seen too many bad fights to call that a bad fight.

Leben just didn't do anything.

Agreed with the first sentence. Dana kind if threw them under the bus - at least initially. Not really fair especially for Brunson - wasn't it 6 days notice?
Agreed with the first sentence. Dana kind if threw them under the bus - at least initially. Not really fair especially for Brunson - wasn't it 6 days notice?

8 I think, not a big difference though. I thought he was doing the best he could considering his circumstances.
It was the single worst fight of all-time. Both guys should retire and change their identities.
What made this look bad is at the start of round 2, Brunson seemed to be already gassed after a great 1st round
If this thread was about Shipp/Wiezorek you might have a point.

Haha. I remember that fight. Shipp beat up Jon pretty good for the better part of round one then totally gassed and Jon layed on top of wade hitting with the weakest mounted strikes in mma history
You must live a pretty boring lifestyle if you were motivated to rewatch that fight.
the fight was terrible. i was at a bar in new york city, and people wanted the channel changed...
the fight was terrible. i was at a bar in new york city, and people wanted the channel changed...

Watching in a bar usually gets that reaction unless its a slobberknocker . . . I have a hard time in that environment. Still embarrassing though.
Haha. I remember that fight. Shipp beat up Jon pretty good for the better part of round one then totally gassed and Jon layed on top of wade hitting with the weakest mounted strikes in mma history

wost fight in UFC history, Im glad both where cut after that shit
It should be taken into consideration that Brunson took this fight on extremely short notice and Leben hadn't fought for 13 months.