"Reverse half guard"? "Hip switch half guard"?


Purple Belt
Jun 24, 2008
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I've been having a lot of trouble getting stuck under this position lately. When top mans right leg is half guarded he will take his left elbow and place it on the far side of my head which rests him on his left hip and really smashes me down. Any tips on fighting this? What's it even called?? Thanks!

So position 3? I call it inverted half, some people call it reverse half or hip switch half. Learn the Shaolin sweep, and use it as soon as they switch.
I use this position a lot and hunt for kimura's and if they're defending that I will walk the foot up that is in half guard (if they don't have a lock down) and knee cut to mount.

A lot of times I'm lazy with my head placement and I keep it up too high while I'm in reverse half. One or two of the guys I roll with frequently like to just wrap my head up kind of a half ass rnc. They almost never get me to tap but it def screws with my whole game plan. Maybe something to try next time you're stuck there.

The other thing is as soon as you're in bottom half make sure you're fighting for the underhook. If you have that they can't get to that hip switch position.
speaking of the hip switch half, other than using it for attacking Kimuras and knee slicing, what else do you guys do with it? I go to that position a lot, but I pretty much just try for a kimura, and if it doesn't work I'll pass. Having some other options would be great.
The other thing is as soon as you're in bottom half make sure you're fighting for the underhook. If you have that they can't get to that hip switch position.
Actually that's exactly when I do the hip switch. If I get the underhook, I go for the tripod pass. If they get the underhook I hip switch to kill the underhook and start looking for a kimura.
Actually that's exactly when I do the hip switch. If I get the underhook, I go for the tripod pass. If they get the underhook I hip switch to kill the underhook and start looking for a kimura.

Actually now that I think about it you're right. I mean, you should still fight for the underhooks if you're on bottom but realize now that I actually do the same thing (make the hip switch as soon as they get that underhook) as it's a perfect way to have the arm already isolated for the kimura attempt. You just have to make the hip switch move before they start using the underhook to shift your base forward.
If you want to prevent it, outside hooks from half guard such as lockdown or lucas leite style knee torques make the transition very difficult.
If you want to prevent it, outside hooks from half guard such as lockdown or lucas leite style knee torques make the transition very difficult.

Yep. The guys that make my life miserable when I'm in top half are the guys slapping the lockdown on as soon as I transition to half. Gotta clear that before you can do anything.
Appart from what has been said, I also like to post up on my elbow with one arm and the other (the arm that could be underhooking them) goes towards their belt, this allows you to escape to the back. Ive seen Saulo Ribeiro teach this one.

First response nailed it.
- shaolin sweep is a great option but you have to time it really well.
- another option is just a DEEP cross collar grip and use it to push and pull him away. He will never be able to switch into reverse hg if you keep pushing his face away with a stiff forearm across the throat. #dominatewith asics

On a kind of related note the 4 golden rules of half guard in my opinion are
- dont let anyone touch your head
- dont allow anyone to underhook you
- always be on your side
- grip fight relentlessly (a collar grip from the guy on top might seem innocent enough, but if he can bring serious presh that grip will be your undoing)