

Orange Belt
Jun 25, 2003
Reaction score
Hi . Sorry if this is a newbie question but i wanted to ask: It seems to me that reversals from the halfguard are easier and more effective than reversals from the guard.
The butterfly is a good guard to reverse (because you have your hooks in your opponents tighs) But for me Half-guard works better because everyone is think about attacking and getting the full mount and it's easier to get the reversed. Also sometimes they overdefend the reversal attempt and they expose their backs. What's your opionion guys on al this.. ?
To me spider guard doesn't involve any hooks in thighs. You have your opponents sleeves under control and your feet on his biceps. This position allows you to execute various sweeps/reversals.

And I live under the assumption that full guard is a better position to pull off sweeps compared to half guard. Half guard is haaaaard but damn, it's just too cool :)
I think it has alot to do more so with you anatomy versus your oponents anatomy. I love working from half guard to sweep but against taller guys (and I am short) I just keep getting ate up. On taller people I work hook guards because it is hard for them to spread me out and their long limbs leave alot of holes. Wrestlers tend to have good bases and closed guard sweeps may be hard but if you go hooks or half guard they are going to crush you hard with cross faces. Not that I am pretty but I am not a friend of pain so I work spider guard if we are wearing a Gi. If not I try not so much as to sweep them as to arm drag and take their back. If they are skilled BJJ guys I will work closed guard becasue if I mess up I am not as bad a position as if I failed a half guard attempt and now they have side control or worse scarf hold. Now if they are shorter than me ... well I dont remember the ast time someone was shorter than me so its hard to tell but if I were going to beat up some 13 yr olds I think I would choose half guard because you want to get inside the smaller guy and try to stretch him out and dont let him ball up.

So I guess it just depends.
Walt Ruckus said:
To me spider guard doesn't involve any hooks in thighs. You have your opponents sleeves under control and your feet on his biceps. This position allows you to execute various sweeps/reversals.

And I live under the assumption that full guard is a better position to pull off sweeps compared to half guard. Half guard is haaaaard but damn, it's just too cool :)

No half guard is much easier to pull sweeps from ... becasue you can bait your opponent in to passing , right in to a sweep . Full guard everyone knows and just squats
ichimonji said:
I think it has alot to do more so with you anatomy versus your oponents anatomy. I love working from half guard to sweep but against taller guys (and I am short) I just keep getting ate up. On taller people I work hook guards because it is hard for them to spread me out and their long limbs leave alot of holes. Wrestlers tend to have good bases and closed guard sweeps may be hard but if you go hooks or half guard they are going to crush you hard with cross faces. Not that I am pretty but I am not a friend of pain so I work spider guard if we are wearing a Gi. If not I try not so much as to sweep them as to arm drag and take their back. If they are skilled BJJ guys I will work closed guard becasue if I mess up I am not as bad a position as if I failed a half guard attempt and now they have side control or worse scarf hold. Now if they are shorter than me ... well I dont remember the ast time someone was shorter than me so its hard to tell but if I were going to beat up some 13 yr olds I think I would choose half guard because you want to get inside the smaller guy and try to stretch him out and dont let him ball up.

So I guess it just depends.

well my legs are too short to work closed guard enough to hold it on most people , so I would rather go hafl guard . Or bait them by giving my back and rolling them into side mount
It also depends if we're talking gi or no gi. No gi butterfly and half guards are better IMO for sweeps. I think the problem with full guard is that everyone and their mother know about the common sweeps from full guard.
I prefer Half guard either way if the guy has any skill ....
I have no preference, but I like halfguard to slide around to the back.