Retiring with the Title/Belt is Unacceptable. ( Unless medical reasons of course )

Yeah its cool, but these guys bringing up GSP here are doing so with rose tinted glasses. It's so blatantly obvious he doesn't want any part of Hendricks. Sure, maybe he has other more secret issues as well that have nothing to do with being afraid of getting beat up. He seemed nutty as shit near the end there, no doubt about it.

I guess its blatantly obvious if your clueless.
Yeah its cool, but these guys bringing up GSP here are doing so with rose tinted glasses. It's so blatantly obvious he doesn't want any part of Hendricks. Sure, maybe he has other more secret issues as well that have nothing to do with being afraid of getting beat up. He seemed nutty as shit near the end there, no doubt about it.

No, that's opposite. I'm sure you have no dog in this.

He thought of all the respectful fans and how understanding they are. Must have had you in mind when he thought of "respectful".....

GSP doesn't owe you anything, stop whining, the world doesn't work according your "facts".
I missed the part about why he owes you or anyone else for that matter an explanation.
This is fucking stupid. So a champ has to keep on fighting until he loses? If he loses the drive and will to compete, he still has to keep on going because nobody was able to defeat him? These guys are no samurais abiding by some ancient rules of honor. This is a sport, where athletes retire when they feel they are losing their edge or drive. Considering the brutality of MMA, GSP was able to exit the sport on top with his health and body relatively intact.
This is something that should be encouraged more by fans and organizations. Instead we see money hungry Dana doing his utmost best to keep his cashcow around until he gets knocked out on a regular basis, so that eventually Dana can start playing the white knight who wants his fighter to retire, because you know he is so concerned about his fighters health. There are also way too many entitled fans like OP who feel like the fighters owe them something. Get this straight, GSP and any other fighter for that matter, owes you exactly jack shit.
GSP should have rematched Hendricks because that decision was total garbage. But since he didn't, vacating the belt is the second best option. If he had chosen to take time off and tie up the belt, that would have been some serious bullshit.
What you deem unacceptable means literally nothing. Sorry :(
This is stupid. Unacceptable? Who the hell are you? Plenty of champs in boxing have gone out while on top and there's nothing wrong with that in mma either. Why not retire as king? That's the best way to go imo
It takes balls to quit when you're on top. The vast majority keep going for too long and rack up a bunch of unnecessary losses. I have zero issues with people retiring as champs. Why the hell should they have to lose before retiring? The only ones who are in any position to make that decision are the fighters themselves.
This is ridiculous.
Why should a champ be forced to retire on a loss? That's just taking the lineal mumbo-jumbo too far.

Far from making me disrespect GSP, it makes me respect him more that he went out on his own terms.
This is by far one of the dumbest posts I've seen for a while from a user with over 2,000 posts, well done.

Honestly though, you're an idiot. The only reason other fighters never "retired as champ" is because they unwillingly lost. Do you really think any of them PLANNED to "pass the torch"?

GSP accomplished everything there is to accomplish as far as I'm concerned, he should go enjoy the millions he's made and live his life
I have no problem with it. These are still human beings, not robots that fight for our entertainment. It is stressful keeping that belt, and if they want to quit, by all means.
Dude, help me out. Tell me which part is retarded and why, big mouth.

Everything I said is right, so actually it turns out you're the retard.

It's unbelievable to me that someone with a join date of 2008 (so someone who has been watching this sport for at least 5-6 years) can believe that fighters should follow some kind of macho "code" where they take continued beatings after they've lost interest in competition. For who's satisfaction? Fans? What kind of "fan" would that be? Can you not in six years see that the beatings these athletes take are real?

And with a 2008 join date, TS can't be all that young. This is incredibly juvenile, even for Sherdog.
Gsp has done so much for the sport he can pretty much go out however he wants..and if it's on top then so be's rather refreshing imo rather than hanging on too long