

Black Belt
Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
Did there used to be a huge list of MMA retailers at this part of the site? There was a whole bunch of shit i was going to buy using those links, but now they have dissappeared.
What are you looking for? I don't remember a list, except for the "good, bad and ugly of retailers." If your lookin for something or info about a company I'm sure someone will have something for you.
Specifically vitemans and minerals and inspirit
Why did the sticky get taken away in the first place?

Foz - Can you get it back?
Something to do with the Sprawl issue is what madmick said on my thread. Seems likley.
J_C said:
Specifically vitemans and minerals and inspirit

Inspirit is the devil.

V&M people have had mixed feedback on, some good, some not so good.

scorcho said:
Why did the sticky get taken away in the first place?

Foz - Can you get it back?

I'll look into it, but if someone has un-stickied it for a reason, I'm not about to step on their toes.

What happened with sprawl? I've noticed a few comments. I read the new sticky the first time I saw it, then I left it alone, now most of that's been deleted and some threads and stuff are removed? Whats happening?