Elections Republican National Convention

So Biden, who clearly isn’t even left of centre, is now a commie


And this laughable nonsense is what trump hopes will win him the election! Is there really enough gullible, thick fckwits in the country that actually believe this
He enables BLM marxists.

so yes he is associated
I like when he said America is pioneering mortality in relation to the coronavirus, and that 300 miles of wall have been built(even though the DHS admitted it's like 3 miles) and claimed he signed the Veteran's Choice Act.

Good "not playing" ya'll
wow, a serious reply. loosen up, homie.
So Biden, who clearly isn’t even left of centre, is now a commie


And this laughable nonsense is what trump hopes will win him the election! Is there really enough gullible, thick fckwits in the country that actually believe this
Endorsed by the Revolutionary Communist Party, Antifa and White supremacist Richard Spencer..

Got to love that big tent !
OMG, she smiled and nodded at Ivanka! She's ready to vote Biden!

Melania is the most relatable person in the family. She’s clearly uncomfortable with everything going on, which I feel like most people would be, and it shows so clearly in her facial expressions and mannerisms. When her and Trump walked out together we were cracking up because she always looks like she’s being held hostage.

Lots of people would feel that way, it’s just hilarious how much difficulty she has hiding her expressions.
Even Fox News hated the cult leaders speech

“Chris has a point,” Hume said. “The speech was very, very long. I don’t know that any speech at an hour and ten minutes, uninterrupted by anything visual, can work very well…And he was, as Chris suggests, I think a little flat. He’s done very good speeches from teleprompters before, but tonight he seemed to miss the excitement he generates in himself when he’s ad libbing.”

Besides the speech, Wallace condemned the event altogether for the blatant disregard for safety protocols amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, which has now claimed over 180,000 American lives. Throughout the convention, the coronavirus has been downplayed, on the rare occasion it was mentioned at all, and on Thursday night, though outside, a large crowd gathered, seated close together on the lawn of the White House to watch Trump speak.

“One other thing we have to note, and that is the event itself,” Wallace said. “The fact that there were 2,000 people in close quarters on the south lawn there, with no, seemingly, very few of them with masks, no social distancing, ignoring all of the public health recommendations. I suspect that’s gonna get a lot of comment (sic) in the next few days.”