Crime Republican lawmaker asks students sexual questions. Also low blows a student. For real!

This is obviously unprofessional and ridiculous, but it also very obviously isn't what the OP makes it out to be. He's making fun of religion. Everyone in the room is cracking up. The student he grabbed and "threatened" to put the wrath of God on was laughing and ran away fake yelling.

He isn't sexual assaulting students. He is making wildly inappropriate jokes in an effort to be the "cool teacher". He's way too laxed in the classroom and too familiar with his students.
Probably, the whole thing is weird though.
I never said no liberal person wouldn't do what he did, however it's common knowledge that religious fanaticism is a more prevelant issue among republicans and the right wing in general.
I think we are just seeing the fruits of the exploitation and normalization of the mentally ill combined with social retards who don't understand basic social behavior.
TS should have all his threads merged to the TDS mega.

This is a great story about a nobody that happens to have an R so the MSM and the Dem Reich better make it front page news...

I didn't even mention the former guy once.

I realize these stories are embarrassing for your side. I'm sure there is some Qanon fanfic for you to read to ease the pain.
I never said no liberal person wouldn't do what he did, however it's common knowledge that religious fanaticism is a more prevelant issue among republicans and the right wing in general.

Sure, but liberals are just as inclined to ideological fanaticism outside religion as conservatives are to religious fanaticism. The Church of Wokeism can be every bit as ridiculous as Christian zealots.

People losing their identity to groups and being stupid is not politically exclusive.
TS should have all his threads merged to the TDS mega.

This is a great story about a nobody that happens to have an R so the MSM and the Dem Reich better make it front page news...

Cool NPC post.
This is obviously unprofessional and ridiculous, but it also very obviously isn't what the OP makes it out to be. He's Being facetious. Everyone in the room is cracking up. The student he grabbed and "threatened" to put the wrath of God on was laughing and ran away fake yelling.

He isn't sexual assaulting students. He is making wildly inappropriate jokes in an effort to be the "cool teacher". He's way too lax in the classroom and too familiar with his students.

I never said this particular Republican sexually assaulted students. He made inappropriate comments plus he was in fact criminally charged with assault. Certainly not the worst crimes imaginable though still reprehensible.

But if he were gay, trans, or caught on camera at a liberal protest of some kind, all the War Room shercels would be up in arms posting in a 50+ page thread about how this is "proof" that Western civilization is doomed.

But a Republican good ol' boy? "What does his politics have to do with anything?"
Sure, but liberals are just as inclined to ideological fanaticism outside religion as conservatives are to religious fanaticism. The Church of Wokeism can be every bit as ridiculous as Christian zealots.

People losing their identity to groups and being stupid is not politically exclusive.
I was never trying to minimise the lefts tendency to be woke fanatics, I very much agree with you. My main point through out has been his republican background isn't completely irrelevant, even if a majority of this scenario can be attributed to him being completely unhinged.
this guy has problems and it doesn't help that the vast majority of christian churches only see evil "out there" and use spirituality as a sword against others "out there" rather than as a long term cutting edge for personal transformation.
Good for him. Making inappropriate comments towards teen girls is the Trump way. This man has a promising future in the modern day republican party.
This is obviously unprofessional and ridiculous, but it also very obviously isn't what the OP makes it out to be. He's Being facetious. Everyone in the room is cracking up. The student he grabbed and "threatened" to put the wrath of God on was laughing and ran away fake yelling.

He isn't sexual assaulting students. He is making wildly inappropriate jokes in an effort to be the "cool teacher". He's way too lax in the classroom and too familiar with his students.

Agreed. It's just wildly inappropriate, completely bizarre behavior. It's like he had a list of things not to say or do and just went right down it, checking them off as he went.

He clearly deserves whatever shitstorm is coming his way over this, outside of a sexual assault conviction.
Sure, but liberals are just as inclined to ideological fanaticism outside religion as conservatives are to religious fanaticism. The Church of Wokeism can be every bit as ridiculous as Christian zealots.

People losing their identity to groups and being stupid is not politically exclusive.

Agreed. I am a proud Democratic Socialist, but I can admit that no party has a monopoly on getting up to bizarre rants in classrooms or anywhere else. I would assert that this guy being a Republican is completely irrelevant, but for the fact that his topics were so.......well........topical. But this is a pretty fucking thin glass house we are all sitting in right about now. Best not to pull the stones out.
This is what the conservatives stand for. Preaching about Hay Sus while doing gay shit to kids behind the curtain.