Rep. John Lewis: I don’t see Trump ‘as a legitimate president’

It's a crime with serious time but they would not be charged with treason.

I just fear for Lord Trumps safety with all these radical domestic terrorists ginning up their supporters to take hostile action against Lord Trump.
"Dey comin for the da chillen! Dey comin for the da po! Dey comin for da sick, da eldy, and da dizabled!" Never change, John Lewis, never change.
So the guy who is going to be President in a week spent the better part of a year trying his best to prove the sitting President wasn't a citizen of the United States. And now people are having a fit about this guy's opinion. Oh the irony.
John Lewis: I ‘Never Saw’ Bernie Sanders During Civil Rights Era



Personally, I think Lewis is a jackass, but he is not saying anything that was not said the last eight years about Obama.
I don't think he should've said that. However, Trump was claiming the election to be rigged and wouldn't say if he'd accept the outcome if Hilary won.

And you guys said that was threatening the very foundations of democracy. moment you're complaining that all politicians are liars and never say what they truly think - so you elect a non-politician who says whatever comes to mind without any sort of filter - but then when an established politician says what he really thinks, you complain?
Nobody finds this shocking and disgusting, that he would say such a thing?

Isn't it part for course in politics based on the precedent set over the last eight years? moment you're complaining that all politicians are liars and never say what they truly think - so you elect a non-politician who says whatever comes to mind without any sort of filter - but then when an established politician says what he really thinks, you complain?

I think people just disagree with what he's saying and consider it retarded. I'm not sure how many people actually care what these childish and powerless people say at this point. They're talking to themselves.
I thought this sort of thing was totally cool with the Trump worshippers? Certainly supported it after trump said it.

Stuff is only cool when a guy who's not a cuck says it.
These aren't just radicals, or Rosie, this is all liberals. They are enemies of free men.

I find it hysterical that you would call a guy who refuses to express fealty to a ruler an enemy of "free men". How very Orwellian of you.
At what point does this shit become treason?

I guess you weren't offended by Trump comparing US intelligence agents to Nazi operatives.

Or those on the right who said Obama was a Marxist Muslim secretly helping the terrorists win because he wanted to see America destroyed.

But God forbid you do not fall to your knees and show respect to our Carnival Barker In Chief! Treason, I say!!
How dare he disrespect the highest office in the world.

Wasn't the go-to line from the libs during the Obama reign?