Reminder from Dana that you should not stream tonight’s event.

Can Confirm.

They are on to us!

Whatever you do dont stream!!


Talk about greed. More illegal streaming brings in more fans which in the long term will bring more money. It benefits them.
Naw bro I watch and don’t pay shit. I’ve paid for one card since 2016 and that’s because I was happy for live sports during the pandemic and didn’t want streaming issues.
Naw bro I watch and don’t pay shit. I’ve paid for one card since 2016 and that’s because I was happy for live sports during the pandemic and didn’t want streaming issues.
Not everyone of course but you prove my point the people who will never pay will never pay anyway. But some become fans and want a better quality experience and then pay. More exposure is not a bad thing in my eyes.

People become fans then want to attend live events. Or get hyped for a big card then chip in with their friends.

I watch the cards legally but still not against streaming. But I remember when I was a kid and obviously was at school so didn't have an income. I would download shit that now I pay for. Not everyone has the means to afford it but would happily pay if they did. I say let these people have some enjoyment in life.

everyone's at a different stage in life. I highly doubt if streaming was impossible that they would get much more ppv buys. Just let the fans be fans. It will come back around. They will buy merchandise, the video games and all sorts.
They're don't even prosecute people stealing from stores on camera these days. And he thinks people are going to prison for a 90$ ppv which isn't even enough to be felony theft? Lel