Real paranormal activity experiences

Lol it's hilarious that what TS is talking about is a well known medical condition yet he refuses to accept it and is blaming it on magical supernatural beings.

Yet he's shitting on everyone else's opinion. Clearly this is a very rational and logical man.
Ergo paranormal activity is real?

So religion is BS but this shit makes sense.

Yeah, clearly you're the consistent guy here.

I find this stuff to be interesting..Unlike debating pointless religion debates when nothing is ever solved
I'll throw my two cents in here since I just posted a pic.

There are a lot of things that are still not explainable by science. But just because it isn't explainable now does not means in the next 100 years a conclusion still cannot be reached.
As we come to know more and more, things that seemed other worldly will be able to be put in more accurate terms. Sleep paralysis used to be attributed to something other worldly (demon on the chest) but now it can be explained. So, I'll say that no matter how other worldly it seems, always be skeptical. However, just because it can be explained by science doesn't really take away how amazing some phenomena are (at least for me).
Ok i'll write 2 stories, take it or leave it but i will die and still believe this to be 100% true.

When i was young my parents would take us up to Cape Cod for summer vacation. They rented a little cottage house with 1 bedroom, a little kitchen and a living room with two sofa-beds. My brother and I slept the sofa beds, my parents in the bedroom, and my sister had a crib right besides the bedroom door. I was 8 and my brother 6 at this point. During the middle of the night i woke up and i saw like smoke shapes above my sisters crib. My memory is too foggy to tell you if they we're faces or recognizable shapes, but they we're "ghostly". So i wake up and am freaked out by this, i don't notice that my brother is up and he's also seeing this. The next morning i tell my parents and my brother instantly says that same thing. To this day we both still swear we saw something inexplicable that night.

Second story.

I was 15 or 16 and was sleeping at a friends house. I was in small guestroom in the basement. I wake up during the night and i see this dude standing next to the bed. He was all bright and shit, the best way i can describe it, is that if he was a Light Bright game template. If freaked me out and when i blinked, he disapeared.

In the morning i wake up and see a picture frame with a small asian dude posing with a child, who turned out to be my friend when he was young. In my mind, that was the guy i saw during that night. Unknowingly i asked my friend about the guy in the pic and he told me it was his uncle, who had died in that same room during his sleep, a couple of months before.

full serious.

So a strange uncle ghost was watching you sleep :icon_sad:
My best friends mom died when we were all 17/18 of a brain aneurysm and the day she died we went to my buddies house to get some stuff since he didn't wanna stay there at the time (she died in her room right across the hallway from his room, so nobody can blame him) Well her door to her room overlooked the front door to the house and as we were walking out, the door to her room flung open and the 4 of us turned around and all bolted out the door at the same time and none of us have ever walked back into that house.

Now maybe it was air pressure causing the door to open or something else, but that door was shut(I know because my friend closed it earlier not wanting to have to look in there) and then it flung open out of nowhere when we were all right there.

Thats all i got for "ghost" stories
For me personally, I don't have any experience with ghosts.

I'm not the kind of person that tempts fate though, I'm not going to try and stir shit up, just in the off chance I get some voodoo hex put on me, might sound dumb, but I have yet to be fucked with and I'd like to keep it that way.
Lol it's hilarious that what TS is talking about is a well known medical condition yet he refuses to accept it and is blaming it on magical supernatural beings.

Yet he's shitting on everyone else's opinion. Clearly this is a very rational and logical man.

I actually left to eat something. And I believe it is sp. so shut the fuck up.
I one time saw an apparition of a little girl in black trench coat in the middle of first I thought it was a dog or something and right before I slammed on the brakes and swerved my car to avoid hitting her it dissapeared.

The next day I googled for articles of any fatalties of children in that area...didn't find one.
Evangelion is right. I've had sleep paralysis shit for many years now, it sucks, but you get used to it.

I would write things I've experienced, but it's so much to write down. I already posted it in like 10 other threads before.
I saw a female ghost once, she was standing alone on a bridge crying.
She was one of those asian type of ghosts.
A child came up to my door once. Something seemed off about him and I couldn't make out his face. He was looking down and asked if could come inside, he'd just be a moment. I asked why he needed to come in and he looked up at me and that's when I realized this kids eyes where fully jet BLACK. Scared the shit out of me and I closed the door. Checked through the window a second later and the kid was gone. Scary as shit.
I been a paranormal researcher since I was 19 so six+ years now. I have seen all types or stuff that seem paranormal easily be explained and vice versa. Check out my site.
I been a paranormal researcher since I was 19 so six+ years now. I have seen all types or stuff that seem paranormal easily be explained and vice versa. Check out my site.

Don't do it! That site is a trap! I heard that if you visit that site, 7 days later your internet calls you and then you get a case of fatally explosive diarhea.
Evangelion is right. I've had sleep paralysis shit for many years now, it sucks, but you get used to it.

I would write things I've experienced, but it's so much to write down. I already posted it in like 10 other threads before.

I had sleep paralysis when I was younger and it scared the shit out of me. It didn't help I've always had awful nightmares and would wake up paralyzed after having a dream where 10 inch leeches were eating their way out of my body.

Anyways I have no idea why Ts is ignoring the fact that what he describes is a medical condition and instead attributing it to ghosts.
I had sleep paralysis when I was younger and it scared the shit out of me. It didn't help I've always had awful nightmares and would wake up paralyzed after having a dream where 10 inch leeches were eating their way out of my body.

Anyways I have no idea why Ts is ignoring the fact that what he describes is a medical condition and instead attributing it to ghosts.

Did you not read my response? After giving it some thought, it is sleep paralysis. Now shut the fuck up.
i had something very paranormal happen to me pretty recently. i came on here looking for one of these threads, but didn't see any.

i don't remember what it was now. shows you how much of a shit i give about this bologna.

also, ts, sleep paralysis - precisely what you experience - is relatively common.