RDA plans to clean out 155 then fight at 170


Black Belt
May 30, 2015
Reaction score
Im on my phone cant post video. This guy got balls unlike gsp
Well, as always with superfights and champs moving-up, I'll believe it when I see it.
Good luck with that. 155 is the deep with contenders and one of the most talented divisions overall.
So khabib can wrestlefuck him,but he thinks he can both clear the division and then go and do what to robbie?To wonderboy?To maia?FFS weight classes are there for a reason!
He's looked ridiculously good but he should slow his road. 155 has tons of contenders.
Said every champ ever in history.

And I'm a fan of RDA as well.
Well he's had one title defense. GSP was champ for years. Anyone can say that they're going to do this and that but until they actually do it, it doesn't mean shit.
Hes got alot of time before this comes to fruition. Put aside the contenders in lw atm and realize with usada, iv bans, and weigh in protocol changing there will be new contenders moving from other weight classes as well. Cleaning out the division is just not possible for years with all of this.
I'm curious to see him at 70. Time will tell.
I would like to see him fight Barboza. I want to see the rematch with K-bob first.
He says that now. But in a few fights, if he continues winning, becoming more popular and making more money, I see that mentality changing. I don't blame him, just I'll believe it when I see it
Clearing 155 is a never ending job. This division is always stacked. If it can be cleared, do that first then talk about moving up.

War RDA tho
So he'll have:

1. Alvarez
2. Khabab
3. Fergie

That's over a years worth currently. Let alone other contenders pushing through during that time.

Then he has to contend with up and coming juggernauts like Jake Matthews and Sage.

I have him losing to Conor, Fergie, and Khabab so I don't like RDA's chances.
Im on my phone cant post video. This guy got balls unlike gsp
Nothing to see here. Many fighters have talked about doing this kind of thing, but few actually go through with it. Fighters like BJ and Hendo are a rare breed.

Anyway, I suspect that RDA is too small to find sustained success at 170. Guys like Robbie/Condit/Rory are much larger humans than RDA.