RDA Never Turned into a Panic Wrestler a la Mystic Tap. Never gave up his neck to tap n quit.

Once Ever Sherdogger

Jul 7, 2016
Reaction score
He wasn't even dropped.

The heart RDA showed was amazing, he just didn't give up, never turned into a panic wrestler, never gave up his back and quit.

If that was mystic tap, he would've shot in asap and gave his neck to make the pain stop.

Thats real championship heart, ladies and gentlemen.
Well if your body was made of metal, I don't think human hands could bend it so easily.


Nah he just flapped around like fish on a beach no knowing which way was up.
Conor never back pedaled for his life all over the cage while rocked
he did chin dive onto eddie after the flying knee, then couldnt maintain it due to being so badly hurt
I agree RDA showed more heart, and Conor woulda KO'd him had they fought.
He wasn't even dropped.

The heart RDA showed was amazing, he just didn't give up, never turned into a panic wrestler, never gave up his back and quit.

If that was mystic tap, he would've shot in asap and gave his neck to make the pain stop.

Thats real championship heart, ladies and gentlemen.

Both Conor and RDA got their asses whupped. Get over it. And wish them the best luck in their next fights.

Seriously, people on Sherdog hangs onto the past like menstruating women...
Oh man. Conor haters are literally obsessed with him.
This thread is stupid. How about giving credit to Eddie for wrecking a fighter that was tearing through the lightweights.
"Panic wrestler" is both a stupid term and a stupid concept, perpetuated by people who have never been punched in the face before.

Posters are literally bashing fighters for trying to keep themselves in a fight using a practical technique to do so.

Keyboard warriors are so dumb sometimes.