Razor you polesmoker!


Silver Belt
Apr 8, 2002
Reaction score
Where have you been hiding?

I figured you'd either went on a killing spree or found you had better things to do than lurk around a dingy forum populated by semi psychotics.
You silly snaggletoothed fuck, I was sick on work for a week and cutoff from the home computer by the lovely MSN network.
So the ring wasn't tightening around you in the police hunt for the sniper? well i'll be damned, 12 down and they still don't know where you are.
I think about that case alot and I've come up with a pretty relevant profile on this guy.
He is a shift worker, Monday through Friday on the 11a to 8p shift or reasonably close to it.
He is a family man, alway home on the weekends, not available for killing.
He is using the company van in all but two shootings the most recent at 6am today and the one at 2:30pm (which I think he did on his lunch) two weeks ago.

He is not the usual serial criminal in that his age will be between 30 and 35 instead of the usual 24 to 35. The toughest part to figure is the method behind the killing. At first he seemed content to kill and not get caught leading me to believe he was a pro (ex military out to right some social injustice). Now he seems to be watching the media and believing his own clippings, morphing into a millenial version of the Zodiac killer.

See, I 've had alot of time to watch too much CNN.
really? i made a profile too...

he is a self absorbed fuckface thats never seen a vagina in person and hes angry he wasnt popular in high school cause of his addiction to 1st person shooter games...

i wonder who is closer?
That sounds like the Columbine fucks, lets throw in rich, white ugly kids and then the whole picture just falls together.
He'll blame the whole thing on Grand Theft Auto 3, mark my words.
I was thinkin he'd be like " You bastard pigs, I was Money on Sherdog you fucks!"
Originally posted by RAZOR
I was thinkin he'd be like " You bastard pigs, I was Money on Sherdog you fucks!"

The sniper hasn't been killing rent boys after hes molested them so it can't be money.
I thought Money was always carrying on about loving the "darker skinned boys in Bring Da Noise, Bring Da Funk"?
Don't be surprised if our infamous sniper is a fussy scotsman mistaking every busdriver for Kevin Costner...
Avid if it was me every government in the world would wan to to hire my services, a sniper that can pop heads on a different continent is a valuable man indeed. Not to mention Robbie "Fat Dancer" Williams would have been shot in the face long before now.
I guess a good killing spree starts at home....
I thought a good killing spree starts in the heart.
Yeah and anyone that says i lied about my location and that i'm actually in the Dee Motel just off the turnpike in Ohio in room 32b, with the green door, polishing my rifle is a fucking liar.
Polishing your rifle J? That takes the fucking cake, from here on out I only polish my rifle in the bathroom, alone with some KY and picture of two mules going at it.