Ratio of douchiness to number/location of tats.

Tattoos are cool you idiots!

mister cool ice's name came about due to a gross german mistranslation

his real name in german is 'herr kühles eis'
I have a sleeve on my left arm and some smaller ones on my right arm and both legs. I like tattoos especially on women, gives me teh wood.
My dad is 56 and has two dope ass full sleeves that he got only a few years back. lol
He got them partly to cover up his vitiiligo (skin condition that makes your pigments die, resulting in areas of totally white skin) though. He's the least douchey human of all time.

Sounds pretty douchey to me
I'm 36!! Am I OLD AS FUCK??


You old bastard you! You wouldn't understand what us young whipper snappers are talking about. Seriously, I was trying to make a generational mark and it's hard. I've found younger guys don't seem to make such a big deal out of it as older guys do.

Back in the 50s, the tats were usually something men got while they were in the military and they usually got them while they were drunk. I had a scoutmaster that had a nude woman on his forearm. He used it as an example of doing something stupid that you might regret later.

The only women with tattoos were in carnival sideshows. They had artwork showing a hot woman with her entire body covered in tattoos. If you buy the ticket, it was a huge woman that very few people wanted to see nude.

People started getting tattoos to be different and other people followed their lead. One of my friends wife was talking about how trashy the tats were on a friend of hers. She was always talking about the losers with tattoos. 10 years later she started getting tats. It was a monkey see monkey do thing.

Back in the day when people weren't exposed to as much, yeah tats had a different meaning. I got my first tat in the Fleet Marine Corps. From there, I just got a bunch while drinking with the platoon. After I got out, I continued to get some just to fill it in and make it look nice. If you have them you might as well make it look good.

Now a days, everyone and their mother gets tats, and it's meaningless. To be tatted up just means you like tats. I like tats, and I enjoy having some. They have no futher meaning than that. I don't really care that they'll look like shit when I'm old. I'll be old, who cares?
is the script verse over the ribs this generation's tramp stamp?

this shit gives me mad douche chills. Worse than olde english over the abs or kanji in the arm.

I generally try not to judge, but it seems like every 20 year old has a sleeve now. I have my pet peeves / dislikes when it comes to tattoos. Olde English anything, especially Olde English knuckle tattoos. Neck tattoos. Unoriginal / uninspired / overplayed shit like a tribal arm tattoo.
I'd be very hesitant to get my hands and neck done. I even have my sleeve ending a few inches above my watch, just in case. My rule of thumb is that I wouldn't want to get anything that couldn't be covered in a suit. That way, you can always come across as professional in whatever environment that you work in.

Yep, that's why they call hand and neck tattoos "job stoppers".

And I'd wholeheartedly agree with you for 99% of the career fields out there. I'm just lucky in that I work in a profession that doesn't frown upon visible tattoos (visual design/illustration). In fact they're almost expected at this point.

I already have a small tattoo on my left hand and the first time I went to a job interview after getting it I realized immediately that there was no way to hide it (which wasn't really a surprise of course). They actually ended up offering me the job but the place I was currently working at made a counter offer so I stayed.
Yep, that's why they call hand and neck tattoos "job stoppers".

And I'd wholeheartedly agree with you for 99% of the career fields out there. I'm just lucky in that I work in a profession that doesn't frown upon visible tattoos (visual design/illustration). In fact they're almost expected at this point.

I already have a small tattoo on my left hand and the first time I went to a job interview after getting it I realized immediately that there was no way to hide it (which wasn't really a surprise of course). They actually ended up offering me the job but the place I was currently working at made a counter offer so I stayed.
That's awesome that you found a way to have it both ways. If you don't mind me asking, where do you work?
That's awesome that you found a way to have it both ways. If you don't mind me asking, where do you work?

That's funny you ask, because now that I think about it, if I could land a job at the company I'm currently working for with full sleeves and a hand tat I should be able to get a job in my field anywhere. It's by far the most corporate work environment I've ever been in.

I work for Comcast as a user experience designer (mostly visual design and navigation functionality for their mobile apps and website). I get compliments on my tattoos almost every day by leather briefcase carrying, 3-piece suit wearing executive types. As far as I know I'm the most heavily tattooed employee here, but visible tattoos aren't all that uncommon, even outside of the creative department.

For the most part, in my field you get judged by the quality of your work and everything else is secondary, so I feel pretty lucky in that regard.
I lol at these clowns with tats everywhere. When they hit middle age and parts start sagging.... it's going to look worse than a overstretched silly putty image.


That line of thinking has been pretty thoroughly debunked for a while now. It mostly depends on how well the tattoo was done originally. If you get a shitty tattoo with blow-outs, bad line work, etc. then yeah, it's gonna look pretty bad as it ages. But properly done tattoos seem to hold up pretty well.
Tats seem like attention seeking to me, a sign of a weak mind.
If you judge someone for having tattoos, you must be old as fuck. Anyone under 35 knows that tats are common as shit now. There was a time when tattoos meant you were an outlaw of some sort, but now a days, everyone has them. They are just pieces of art that you can put on your body.

I have several on my arms, but only one below my elbow. I wouldn't put anything on my body that I can't cover up when I'm wearing slacks and a button up while I'm working. I don't judge those who put them on their face or neck though. I have several friends that are tatted from fingertips to their eyes. They aren't criminals, and they aren't broke or trashy. They just like tats.
Lol. You right! Most of the guys wearing tats look about as artistic as mud.
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Went to med school with a guy with full sleeves on both of his arms. He was a few semesters ahead of me and he was also head TA in anatomy. People said he was a douche but he was pretty cool in lab. I really only have 2 friends (not acquaintances) with tattoos. One has a cross on his chest to cover a sternotomy (had 2 L of fluid drained from around his heart) and the other one has a cross on his left arm. He got it after prison for armed robbery... Said he was reformed or something.
Fuck tats. Way up, up up way up positive correlation. Especially if you have fuckwad tats like your arms, or visible ink. Fucking auto tough guy. Urghh cant stand it. Total deal breaker on women.

Also Im a fcuking jerkoff so dont listen to me.