random throwaway lines that make you laugh

"Let's not start sucking each others' dicks just yet."
"Let's not start sucking each others dicks quite yet."
"I am truly jealous you got to suck on those tits when you were a baby."
"Yeah, well, at least you got to suck on your dad's dick."
share some random funny movie lines. this one always makes me laugh.

come on guys lets get ourselves some fuckin mountain dew

lol those extreme dudes cracked me up they were so over the top with it. When they walked into the gas station and he starts making raptor noises. I used to do that shit to my wife all the time and she wouldn't know wtf was going on because the movie was already old by then and she hates that kind of comedy.

My wife and I were laughing hysterically in the theater. We were the only ones but whatever we loved this movie