Questioning my instructor

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Khan can I ask why your still so worried about boxing for "teh streets"?

Don't hang out on streets you need to worry about fighting on and you won't have to worry about "teh streets".

Right now you're complaining about training at a gym and not getting instruction when you can't even complete the warm up.

Right now your being the equivalent of the fat out of shape noob that comes in, can't do the warm up and is upset he doesn't get as much attention as the champ on his first day.

You need to put in some work and earn it man. You need to earn the right for coach to waste any time on you. So put in the work and "earn you stripes".

Your problem is you can't stick with anything or do anything for very long.

Your going to need to put in a minimum of 3 days a week for 3 months for any noticable improvement. This is something you haven't been able to do in like 7 years.

Just stick with something for once and you'll see a improvement.

There is a saying that is somewhat relative to training and that is........its not how long you have been doing it...its how often.
And I'm saying, this isn't a troll job. Dude is legitimately like this. His instagram everything. Payak was a work of Art. Ironkhan57 is Gods work of art. But more like a Picasso rather than a Michael Angelo work.

This thread is now really depressing.
First time in an @ironkhan57 thread?
Yeah, I’ll know better next time unless I’m super bored
You talk like a fucking secondary school kid.
You fight like one too.

You seem like a child trapped in an adult body. WTF happened to you?

If this was previous era's, I'm sure you would have been beaten or thrown out from whatever village you were living in long ago.

I'm not jumping on the bandwgon on this one you have got obviously major problems that you don't know how to handle and you took enough of a drubbing in the previous thread.
I don't know how long this garbage thread will be allowed to keep going either.

It would be more accurate instead of being on standup forum why don't you open a thread on Mayberry and title it "dancing monkey lost in life here, take your shots and watch me own myself".

I will say to you though that with this lack of self awareness and talk and tendency to throw out the "I have rich parents" line while hanging with a bad crowd I wouldn't be surprised if you get a severe beating in the near future by people you rub the wrong way.
Just saying, so think before you open your mouth would be my advice going forward since it's coming from a few cards short of a full deck.

Otherwise the advice given was the same long ago - stick at a gym and train.
But you never really came here for advice is the problem.

Fuck you that’s all I’m going to say your one of the most arrogant people on this forum right after shin.

and the fact that you think I’m crazy for not liking living in a big house. If you were in my position you would understand why I would want to grow up differently. And the fact is I’m not the only one who has these points of views in my family none of us want to have a big mansion and just want to live a simple life.
Wait ex gf blew ts dad?

Wuuut is going on

Also combined my parents make 40k a year

Not sure which is more depressing
Khan can I ask why your still so worried about boxing for "teh streets"?

Don't hang out on streets you need to worry about fighting on and you won't have to worry about "teh streets".

Right now you're complaining about training at a gym and not getting instruction when you can't even complete the warm up.

Right now your being the equivalent of the fat out of shape noob that comes in, can't do the warm up and is upset he doesn't get as much attention as the champ on his first day.

You need to put in some work and earn it man. You need to earn the right for coach to waste any time on you. So put in the work and "earn you stripes".

Your problem is you can't stick with anything or do anything for very long.

Your going to need to put in a minimum of 3 days a week for 3 months for any noticable improvement. This is something you haven't been able to do in like 7 years.

Just stick with something for once and you'll see a improvement.

There is a saying that is somewhat relative to training and that is........its not how long you have been doing it...its how often.

I'm really surprised you still bother to give IK any proper advices, in this 100% trolling thread.
I’m not a genius I’m just smarter then the average human being. And no you guys aren’t ignorant you guys are arrogant. Arrogance is when you tell someone something that makes sense but it still doesn’t change their mind.

it’s like how my exe girl hates on one of my dads managers and says she sucks my dads dick but in reality my exe girl was the one who had my dads dick in her mouth because she cared bout her job at dominos more then my dads manager but my exe girl still says to this day that my dads manager sucks his dick when everybody knows my exe girl was the one sucking dick.

Mods need to ban this guy for his own sake
IK isn't even a troll. That implies someone deliberately trolling.

IK is an Ubertroll. He doesn't have to try even, his life itself is the troll and then he comes on here and talks about it.

I'm thinking that Khan's trolling is so good and realistic that it's above average human being understanding. I put my hat off to him.
Khan let's do a chessboxing twitch stream since ur soo smart. I'll kill you in both but least we have a 5% chance of getting paid.

Fuck you that’s all I’m going to say your one of the most arrogant people on this forum right after shin.

and the fact that you think I’m crazy for not liking living in a big house. If you were in my position you would understand why I would want to grow up differently. And the fact is I’m not the only one who has these points of views in my family none of us want to have a big mansion and just want to live a simple life.
Khan on this point I respect you. Money doesn't buy happiness and living a simpler life often makes people happier and more content.

But however we are all born into this earth with different mental and physical abilities and also different social backgrounds. We all don't start off from the same place. If your parents are well off what is wrong with them supporting (not spoiling) you or anybody else by paying for your college expenses, living expenses, and getting you a reliable car like a 2015 toyota camry with less than 50k miles.

Some people might have a super high iq and do good in school but they have to work a job to support themselves through college which makes it harder to study all day for classes and on the other hand maybe one person has well off parents but only average intelligence but they are able to work harder to get good grades in there classes because they dont have to work a job. My point is use the advantages you were born with to achieve your life goals as fast as posssible and as painless as possible. Work hard but also WORK SMART.

Be real with yourself why are you so in love with the idea of becoming self made with nobody else's help? You can't be your dad or anybody else who didn't have a support system in this world you made it with less help. Just because somebody helps pay for your education or living expenses while you achive your goals doesn't make your hard work any less worthy of respect you still worked/studied on your own and only you are responsible for what you achieved at the end of the day.

Achieve your life goals but make life easier on yourself and stop trying to live your life like a movie based on a immigrant who came here with nothing and became a millionaire. Also please go to a therapist or any professional in the mental health field and talk to them truthfully about your life and issues you have. It won't make you a weak person in fact you will be stronger mentally if you take there advice.

Khan I really do hope you end up achieving what you want in life but you desperately need self reflection to figure out what is wrong with your mentality and personal habits.
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Ahh the rare idiot savant his special ability trolling sherdog with his idotic threads.

I'm thinking that Khan's trolling is so good and realistic that it's above average human being understanding. I put my hat off to him.

That explains the high IQ
Lol at you smooth brain plebians who are just now realizing the genius of IronKhan. Bask in the glory of this ubermensch as he sits upon his throne and laughs while he watches you underdeveloped brainlets try to comprehend the extent of his brilliance.



Although I can not match the sheer brilliance of Khan I did recognize his masterclass of a troll job on page 3.
Khan on this point I respect you. Money doesn't buy happiness and living a simpler life often makes people happier and more content.

But however we are all born into this earth with different mental and physical abilities and also different social backgrounds. We all don't start off from the same place. If your parents are well off what is wrong with them supporting (not spoiling) you or anybody else by paying for your college expenses, living expenses, and getting you a reliable car like a 2015 toyota camry with less than 50k miles.

Some people might have a super high iq and do good in school but they have to work a job to support themselves through college which makes it harder to study all day for classes and on the other hand maybe one person has well off parents but only average intelligence but they are able to work harder to get good grades in there classes because they dont have to work a job. My point is use the advantages you were born with to achieve your life goals as fast as posssible and as painless as possible. Work hard but also WORK SMART.

Be real with yourself why are you so in love with the idea of becoming self made with nobody else's help? You can't be your dad or anybody else who didn't have a support system in this world you made it with less help. Just because somebody helps pay for your education or living expenses while you achive your goals doesn't make your hard work any less worthy of respect you still worked/studied on your own and only you are responsible for what you achieved at the end of the day.

Achieve your life goals but make life easier on yourself and stop trying to live your life like a movie based on a immigrant who came here with nothing and became a millionaire. Also please go to a therapist or any professional in the mental health field and talk to them truthfully about your life and issues you have. It won't make you a weak person in fact you will be stronger mentally if you take there advice.

Khan I really do hope you end up achieving what you want in life but you desperately need self reflection to figure out what is wrong with your mentality and personal habits.

there’s nothing wrong with my parents supporting me, but spoiling me like buying everything for me and bailing me out and using money for everything there’s some shit in life I have to earn. I didn’t get my car for free from my dad I earnt it. After my dad passed ima be a millionaire and idk what I’m going to do with that money other then move to Miami or NYC.

my dad started from the bottom some people think he was born rich but he wasn’t he moved to Cali at the 18 from Pakistan, took the bus everywhere even learnt English , and he built himself up being a driver for dominos and now he’s one of the most successful franchisee owners. My dad didn’t have nothing handed down to him. Although I do wish instead I grow up in Cali or in NYC cuz my mom lived in NYC when she moved to America from London. Idk why my dad likes New Jersey even tho everybody hates New Jersey.

my dad has offered to pay for college for me but he doesn’t want to now for some reason he want me to pay for it on my own which for everything I’m paying for that’s impossible.
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