question of xenadirne intake


Purple Belt
Feb 12, 2004
Reaction score
I take it in the morning before my weiigth lifting program an treadmill workout. but i train kickboxing and grappling at 7 pm and in the bottle says that you should not take it in the evening, what happens if i take it at that hour? should i stop doing that because it doesnt work the way it has to? thanx
It's just a recommendation to the caffeine doesn't make it difficult to sleep. If you don't have that problem, don't worry about it.
King Kabuki said:
It's just a recommendation to the caffeine doesn't make it difficult to sleep. If you don't have that problem, don't worry about it.

i took it forever, except late at night.. Not only does it keep you awake, it lasts while. I would slam a red bull before you weight left, and just make sure you sweat like a fiend.

Xenidrine in the morning, and around lunch time is great though.

has anyone taken the non-ephedra kind? how does it compare?
If you took the Ephedra kind no wonder it kept you up. The caffeine one wouldn't keep up a kid with ADD.
I took it with Ephedra too and man that stuff was so good lol. I remember my sister stole my bottle and used it all up because it worked so good for her too.
thanx guys for answering.

another question, in the bottle says that you should take 4 pills a day but i take 3. 2 in the morning and one in the evening. its that ok or you need to take 4 pills
Really? I thought xendadrine and all of those other energy/weight loss pills were bullshit? Does that stuff really work?
3 per day shouldn't hurt you.
King Kabuki said:
3 per day shouldn't hurt you.

Kabuki, if you wouldn't mind, can you post a picture of yourself. I'd like to see what the person who I am getting a lot of my dietary advice from.

...Just to make sure you don't look like this guy

If you honestly think I look like that guy, or would even say anything if I did look like that guy, then go ahead and dismiss my advice.
Holy shit, is that you?

You are making me nervous man....

lol If that were me I'd find the nearest skyscraper window and quickly jump out of it.
I used to take Xenadrine years ago before they changed the formula.

I can tell you that it's effect on me was very, very intense. I've never taken steroids, but I can imagine what a roid rage feels like.

You could feel your heart race, your limbs slightly trembele, and all you wanted to do was work out until complete and utter muscle failure. And in the past, where your muscles would normally fail, while on Xenadrine, you could get another 5 reps in. Or run a little faster and a little longer. My body was doing things I didn't think it could do.

If anyone's seen the movie 28 days later, where the zombie people would just fucking go and go and go until someone killed them, that's what it felt like for me being on Xenadrine. At some points it even felt scary. Like I was some kind of posessed being able to fight the entire world all at once... and win.

I don't know if this is how it was for most people, or if I just had a weird reaction to it... but it was pretty frickin nuts.
Yeh the stuff really works. I took 4 but I was so amped up and it caused me to start shaking lol. I loved the stuff but like frettish said they changed it up, so I moved on to the greatest thing I ever took which is GREEN TEA!!!
djmarkiss said:
Yeh the stuff really works. I took 4 but I was so amped up and it caused me to start shaking lol. I loved the stuff but like frettish said they changed it up, so I moved on to the greatest thing I ever took which is GREEN TEA!!!

green tea? what is the name of the herb? and do that really works for having a rush or fat loss?
djmarkiss said:
Yeh the stuff really works. I took 4 but I was so amped up and it caused me to start shaking lol. I loved the stuff but like frettish said they changed it up, so I moved on to the greatest thing I ever took which is GREEN TEA!!!

Is it anything like the old Xenadrine as far as the trembling and stuff?

I kinda miss feeling like I was on coke. :icon_twis