Hello all, and happy 4th of July for all American sherdoggers!
*TLDR at the bottom*
This is a question for UFC/MMA fans who also follow other sports besides just MMA- are all sports fans so insecure?
Now obviously not all MMA fans are insecure, this is not what I'm saying at all. BUT, it is hard to deny that there are obvious, blaring insecurities in many MMA fans that manifest themselves in various forms.
Many people turn to MMA because there is an obvious primitive sense of masculinity associated with it. Those who do not train and are instead just fans often live vicariously through the fighters, and assume the "masculine" attitude simply by being a follower of the sport- an attitude that many people outgrow by middle school.
Furthermore, in my previous experiences training, I have also had the unfortunate experience of dealing with many people who also trained (not all of them of course) who assume the "middle school" mentality of trying to directly or indirectly intimidate people who do not train. Mind you, I only trained MMA sporadically for a few years, although I did grow up doing TKD for my adolescent and teenage years (I was not a very serious MA student but instead looking for a fun and intense workout). Also, the people who behaved this way were often the least skilled martial artists at my schools- which leads me to believe that the behavior was a compensation for their own feelings of insecurity and inadequacy.
Again, I'm not saying all fans/martial artists are like this, only the "bad" ones -aka, the ones who are rude and meanspirited.
I recently saw a thread where Ilir Latifi was hitting a deadlift of over 600 pounds, and a number of posters were insulting him and belittling the accomplishment despite the facts that 1.) it is a very impressive feat and 2.) For his style of fighting there is GREAT functional carryover (he is a wrestler who relies a lot on strength and power). We see the same type of attitude when it comes to guys like Sage Northcutt- a nice, young kid who is pursuing an education and never really acts in a way which should draw negative attention being hate and berated for no reason other than jealousy or insecurity. You see this behavior and attitude frequently in the "bad" MMA fans.
Some examples of these manifestations of insecurity:
-Attacking and insulting fighters when they lose
-Insulting and belittling the lighter weight classes
-Attacking and insulting WWE and those who follow WWE for it being "fake shit" - despite the fact that they themselves most likely watch and enjoy cheesy action movies which are similarly ridiculous
-Attacking those who participate in other sports due to these sports being "inferior"
-Attacking those who participate in strength and conditioning activities (ala Ilir Latifi deadlifting)
So, my question for those who follow other sports (as someone who does not follow other sports)- do other sports fans have the same types of insecurities as the "bad" MMA fans? Or does MMA draw a unique sense of insecurity that isn't present in many other sports fans?
TLDR: are "bad" fans of other sports as insecure as the "bad" fans of MMA?
*TLDR at the bottom*
This is a question for UFC/MMA fans who also follow other sports besides just MMA- are all sports fans so insecure?
Now obviously not all MMA fans are insecure, this is not what I'm saying at all. BUT, it is hard to deny that there are obvious, blaring insecurities in many MMA fans that manifest themselves in various forms.
Many people turn to MMA because there is an obvious primitive sense of masculinity associated with it. Those who do not train and are instead just fans often live vicariously through the fighters, and assume the "masculine" attitude simply by being a follower of the sport- an attitude that many people outgrow by middle school.
Furthermore, in my previous experiences training, I have also had the unfortunate experience of dealing with many people who also trained (not all of them of course) who assume the "middle school" mentality of trying to directly or indirectly intimidate people who do not train. Mind you, I only trained MMA sporadically for a few years, although I did grow up doing TKD for my adolescent and teenage years (I was not a very serious MA student but instead looking for a fun and intense workout). Also, the people who behaved this way were often the least skilled martial artists at my schools- which leads me to believe that the behavior was a compensation for their own feelings of insecurity and inadequacy.
Again, I'm not saying all fans/martial artists are like this, only the "bad" ones -aka, the ones who are rude and meanspirited.
I recently saw a thread where Ilir Latifi was hitting a deadlift of over 600 pounds, and a number of posters were insulting him and belittling the accomplishment despite the facts that 1.) it is a very impressive feat and 2.) For his style of fighting there is GREAT functional carryover (he is a wrestler who relies a lot on strength and power). We see the same type of attitude when it comes to guys like Sage Northcutt- a nice, young kid who is pursuing an education and never really acts in a way which should draw negative attention being hate and berated for no reason other than jealousy or insecurity. You see this behavior and attitude frequently in the "bad" MMA fans.
Some examples of these manifestations of insecurity:
-Attacking and insulting fighters when they lose
-Insulting and belittling the lighter weight classes
-Attacking and insulting WWE and those who follow WWE for it being "fake shit" - despite the fact that they themselves most likely watch and enjoy cheesy action movies which are similarly ridiculous
-Attacking those who participate in other sports due to these sports being "inferior"
-Attacking those who participate in strength and conditioning activities (ala Ilir Latifi deadlifting)
So, my question for those who follow other sports (as someone who does not follow other sports)- do other sports fans have the same types of insecurities as the "bad" MMA fans? Or does MMA draw a unique sense of insecurity that isn't present in many other sports fans?
TLDR: are "bad" fans of other sports as insecure as the "bad" fans of MMA?
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