Quentin Tarantino and J.J. Abrams Team Up for STAR TREK Movie (Update: Will Be R-Rated)

Hong Kong films don't have a lot of sci-fi space stuff.

Well his pitch was obviously good enough to fill a writers room

if his pitch was that good I would just allow him full control over whatever he wants

He has proved himself in the past

They are making it rated R cause Tarantino wanted it. Why not just let him go full Tarantino on this shit
Tarantino is a hack, no wonder he ended up on the star wars bullshit train

You got to appreciate what an explosive element Inobtanium is. It becomes unstable there aint no telling what its libel to do.


I grasp that Captain, I'm simply trying to calculate the ifs.


I don't wanna hear about no motherfuckin' 'ifs'! All I wanna hear from your ass is "You ain't got not problem Captain, I'm on the motherfucker. Go sit in your chair and chill while we reach warp speed with the quickness"


You ain't go no problems Captain. I'm on the motherfucker. Go back to the flight deck and chill in your chair. I've given 'er all she's got!


"All she's got"? Shit, negro, thats all you had to say.
Sounds cool as fuck, I can’t believe this is happening
The Enterprise will now be a giant 82 Cutlass Supreme.
I bet Tarantino writes the part of Kirk with himself in mind for the role.
I look forward to all the plagiarized b movie scenes and Spock dropping the N bomb every other sentence
"hey, a tribble may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'll never know, cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfuckers..."
A rated-R Trek movie......

I never thought I'd see the day.
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There's no need for an R rated Star Trek.
It's not supposed to be "Space action adventure film with SHOOTING AND EXPLOSIONS in spaaaaaaaaaace!"

Star Trek is smarter than that.
Or, it's supposed to be
It's gonna be a remake of that TOS mafia planet episode, isn't it?


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