Q: For Allison


Purple Belt
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score

I've got a question for you. I read here earlier that you like to watch Pride tapes over and over... Well, were you into MMA before you met your husband? He sounds like a fight guy and I am just curious if this is something that you took on after the 2 of you met?
I trained ryukyu kenpo for 7 years,so I was always somewhat into sportfighting.. but he got me into MMA..He started training MMA after we were married, and now trains BJJ, as well...
I see - That's cool that you trained for 7 years before him. Either way it's cool that you are into it now - It just makes it better that you have always been a fan!
Yes - I do... I train in BJJ and Tai Boxing. I do it as a hobby, and not for competition. Like you I have a background in traditional martial arts - judo / karate. However, this is the one displine I have stuck with the longest.. The best workout and the most effective!

BTW - Royce Gracie is coming to my MMA school for a 2 day seminar this Monday and Tuesday... I am pretty excited about meeting and training with "THE MAN"
Hell yeah, I would definantly be excited..Thats cool as shit.

I'd like to take up some muay thai next year, and my husband teaches me some subs..

Right now, I'm just boxing..
Nice! Muai Tai is pretty fun because you can bring in some of the nasty strikes with the knees and the elbows!

That is cool that your husband is the one teaching you subs.. I think I would be a little aprehensive if some big sweaty guy was rolling on the floor with my wife: you never know when some perv might try and cop a feel?
I wouldnt think so...I mean, when youre rolling, you dont think of the fact that youre bumping cups with some guy, do you?? LOL

But, I guess you never know.
I thinks thats stupid. I've done Judo of and on for a few years and we roll with the women all the time. Of course you get the odd handful of breast the very odd time by accident but they know u arent being a perve.

Ive also seen women roll with men in the BJJ classes Ive been to in the states. WTF is the problem?
Just my prefrence if I was married and my wife wanted to come and roll at my gym - that's all... It's not that big of a deal. However, I roll with girls at our school on occasion and I believe that it's not the same with a girl - you got to be careful where you are grabbing.....
Yeah but if u got their back with hooks sometimes u hand is gonna end up where it shouldnt.

U just gotta let that shit slip. If I had a class I would let the both sexes roll. It also give women a better appreciation of what it is really like to have a guy attack u on the ground and after all that why most women do martial arts. To defend themselves against rape attacks.
I agree - That's why I would show her how to grapple myself, she can learn just as good from me than with some other dude... Like I said it's my preference... I can think of a dozen guys at my school that I would not want my [wife] to go anywhere near...
I se what youre saying, Warsmer..But all the guys I train with are really cool, nice guys.

I like the fact that they dont treat me any differently..They spar with me like theyre sparring with a guy, and I feel like that gives me an advantage when it comes to competition...

And I dont know many girls who roll or fight to practice self defense..

The girls I know do it for the love of the sport, just like me.
Originally posted by Allison
I se what youre saying, Warsmer..But all the guys I train with are really cool, nice guys.

I like the fact that they dont treat me any differently..They spar with me like theyre sparring with a guy, and I feel like that gives me an advantage when it comes to competition...

And I dont know many girls who roll or fight to practice self defense..

The girls I know do it for the love of the sport, just like me.

Strange that u say that. The main reason I started martial arts was to learn how to defend myself and Id say most people are the same.

It was only after doin MA for a while that I found out about MMA and I was blown away at how realistic it was.

Everybody has their won reasons, thats whats cool about it.
The girls I know do it for the love of the sport, just like me.

There must be something in the water in Jaxsonville FL ?!? I've found very few girls far and between like this... Wow, I need to visit there!

Alright Kidz - Time to get some real work done - TTYL
There arent alot of girls..Actually, there are only 2 others beside myself who train there...But there's also a girl in my husband and FTYD's BJJ class.