PWD 622: Single handedly saves Impact

Who do you like better?

  • HHH

  • Chris Jericho

  • Batjester's mom

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I'm ok with Stephens. Usually puts on fun fights, and his video game uppercut on RDA is one of my favorite KO's.

I would be ok with this. After Lucky Charms knocked his ass out he became a bit of a bitch.
He just seems arrogant and not in a likeable and fun kind of way. Just my opinion though. I lost respect for Aldo after all his whining since the Conor loss.
This motherfucker coming out to the hitmans music wearing the shades
looking forward to this first prelim fight!

and the crazy moldovan just came out with bret harts theme!!!
Only caught the ending. Would have watched if I knew was on. Don't like chisora but he can be sports entertaining. Looks like this is following suit.
I've gone from wrestling (World of Sport Wrestling) to Boxing (this) and then gonna catch up with UFC.
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