Locked PWD 1165: F'n Turtlenecks

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And it still pales in comparison to that $27,000 coyote coat!


Flair, bring that ol cashmere coat out here haa sheeee you gotta love it baby
I hope Logan brings some random streamer I never heard of to Saudi Arabiaa and gets stoned to death
Sorry for the careless injury that is about to happen to you Jade
Jade is getting buried.
Jade finna slam the 900 lbs wildebeest infront of 1909877373 Cargillionaires and her little girl.
Jade still took that chair right to the face lol
Hope Jade learned why you don't bring your kids to work.
Austin Theory just gained 2 cool points for buryimg The Way......he now has a 2 point cool ranking.
DiY have a serious "no pop" vibe.
What's next for AJ Styles?
Orton got left hanging by that little girl so fist bumps someone else lol
Did that fat bitch actual,y oink?
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