Elections Purpose policy or piss off (AKA The Toasty Don't curse the darkness light a candle in this dark war room Thread)


Ex Vice President, Sherdog War Room
Mar 3, 2004
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So this thread allows you to offer up solutions instead of just endlessly bitching

Mine is for Gun Control in America.

Why can't we allow ownership of any handgun with up to a 12 round capacity, hunting rifles that hold up to 6 shots and shotguns while banning ownership of all assault rifles, ghost guns, RPG's and all the other crazy shit people own?

there don't seem to be justifiable reasons to own these other military grade weapons other than just because they feel it is fun or because they think they will have to go all Red Dawn against their own government. Those reasons do pale to the idea of making it much harder to go all columbine or fill in latest mass shooting location ______ on our innocent citizens.

Trained Law enforcement would be allowed to carry high capacity guns and assault rifles and whatever else gives them the ability to do their very hard, very dangerous jobs.

It seems to me this simple change would allow all responsible gun owners and hunters the necessary firepower to protect themselves and shoot my people as we innocently frolic in the clover while giving law enforcement a huge tactical advantage in the field and the right to severely prosecute anyone who tried to purchase or owned a gun that would erase that advantage.

I would prefer we don't grandfather in the millions of assault rifles but would be open to that and/or a buyback program for existing legally registered owners.

The people hurt by this would be gun manufacturers, who would have to adapt but could and people that really enjoy shooting 120 bullets per second and watching shit explode. So sorry Mr. Nugent.

The people that would be helped by this are Ex-presidents who would be less likely to be sniped at by social misfits and our entire population of people that don't want to be randomly shot or terrorized while going about their everyday life including every kid in any school and any parent of any kid in school

Feel free to tell me why I'm wrong but please don't invoke the founding fathers who had no conception of the kind of destructive firepower 2024 would have and probably didn't realize that a population of 333.3 million ( a suspicious number) would include a certain fraction of violent psychopaths big enough to cause havoc and chaos..

Please feel free to purpose any policy about any issue you wish or to piss off as the case may be.
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Mine is for fair representation and societal development - destroy the uniparty in america and rightfully assign "lobbying" to the influence peddling criminal category.
I find it fascinating that Y'all argue back and forth endlessly insulting each other about your politics.

But when given a chance to state any policies you think would actually make sense and help the problems you believe are ruining our country, what do you give me?


Strangely only a rabbit and @Fox by the Sea, two mortal enemies, have come forth with lit candles.

in other words-- Y'ALL SUCK! and can go back to your endless and pointless circle jerking now,

But I do still loves ya. Know that and rest easy.
Voter ID and in-person same day voting so people trust the election process again.
Voter ID and in-person same day voting so people trust the election process again.
Yeah it is a fair id idea.

But that would disenfranchise my 90 + year old mom who has voted her entire life since 18 and follows politics on a national all the way to town level and honestly deserves the right to vote probably more than 90% of the uneducated voters that just pick a name, but breathing and mobility issues would make it actually dangerous for her to get to the polling place and live to make it to the booth.

Thank you for actually putting out a policy proposal even if it is one that I personally don't agree with. i do think restoring the faith in the process is an important thing to achieve.
Yeah it is a fair id idea.

But that would disenfranchise my 90 + year old mom who has voted her entire life since 18 and follows politics on a national all the way to town level and honestly deserves the right to vote probably more than 90% of the uneducated voters that just pick a name, but breathing and mobility issues would make it actually dangerous for her to get to the polling place and live to make it to the booth.

Thank you for actually putting out a policy proposal even if it is one that I personally don't agree with. i do think restoring the faith in the process is an important thing to achieve.

I'm fine with exceptions for 90 years old grandmas who can't walk.