Agreed. I've always said that Daredevil season 2 was the best Punisher season.
And for the love of God, Marvel, stop trying to humanize the Punisher! The Punisher is
not a nice guy.
Frank Castle would be the first person to tell you this. He's a high-functioning Psychopath. While he did genuinely love his wife and children, as much as someone like him could love anyone, he loved combat even more. And their deaths gave him the perfect excuse to fight a war that will never end.
Frank Castle is a serial killer. His redeeming feature is that his victims are much, much worse. He never kills innocents.
There's a scene in the Netflix series, where Rawlings is torturing Frank to death. Frank has a vision of his wife, Maria, who implores him to let go and be at peace.
"Come home, Frank".
Frank(sadly)"I am home, Maria".
Castle comes back to life, breaks free and kills Rawling's by jamming his thumbs through the CIA officer's eyes.