Social Proud Boys officially labeled as extremist group by FBI

You didn't get the memo?
Its totally ok for clubs/organizations to limit membership based on racial and/or gender lines

....unless they happen to be white males, then its totally wrong.
White is a skin colour. It is either a retarded or racist thing to have a club about. No one will bat an eye if you belong to your cities Italian club or Slovenian culture club
You rip and the rest of the clowns butthurt about the proud boys being outed should go back to watching the first 10 minutes of american history x on repeat.

One of the best insults I've seen on here.
I'd say 50% of the right wingers in the war room jerk it to that movie.

maybe they could rebrand as "wild boys" to appear less homoerotic.........oh hang on....

Duran Duran's drummers pinky finger touched more pussy than all of the Proud Boys combined.
I wear fred Perry's, hang with skins, have ox blood boots but would never join some group. Once you call yourself something you are tied to the beliefs of random morons...
So -
Project 21

Are a few groups who although they have different goals , and represent different segments of a population have one key criteria for membership..... you ready?

Members have to be black.

Can you highlight for me which one's are retarded as opposed to just racist?

And please give me a description for why each groups stated goals differentiate them from the group in op.

You got off to a bad start with your list- N'COBRA has a stated goal of reparations for the descendants of slaves, that isn't the same as a skin colour club.
Are they collecting an arsenal of hoarded weapons and training for combat? Many of the "extremist" white nationalist groups are. The Proud Boys founder is on record saying to get to "4th level" in their cult you have to get into a fight and get arrested for the cause. That's extremism beyond, say, not accepting transfusions/praying for illnesses to go away, or ostracizing someone for not attending church or not agreeing to a forced marriage.
Sure "extremist" may be a very apt descriptive term here but the problem is when we let the government tag groups with such terms, in some cases it isn't going to be warranted . It's like classifying some speech as ' hate speech' which can be an accurate descriptor in certain cases but not in others.
He told Rogan that to get to 4th level you have to commit violence against someone and get arrested for it. Fuck that fucking shitfucking fucker.

He just got ahead of what he knew was a shitshow by getting out while the gettin' was good.
This gets completely ignored btw.
Sure "extremist" may be a very apt descriptive term here but the problem is when we let the government tag groups with such terms, in some cases it isn't going to be warranted . It's like classifying some speech as ' hate speech' which can be an accurate descriptor in certain cases but not in others.
You're saying that like it's inevitable, but do you have any actual instances of it you can point to?
Didn’t the FBI also label juggalos as an extremist group? The requirements seem lax.
No, they didn't.
"The FBI has released the files of its 14-month investigation into the fans of the rap group Insane Clown Posse. The group of fans, known as Juggalos, were formally classified as a gang by the FBI in October 2011.

The investigation conducted by the FBI's Salt Lake City branch sought to uncover the alleged gang's "illegal activities," which the organization said "may constitute a pattern of racketeering activity ... and which may support prosecutions for federal violations.""
Best part of American History X was when the Terminator kid gets shot in the bathroom.
I stoop up and applauded when that happened.
I might make it my av.
One of the best insults I've seen on here.
I'd say 50% of the right wingers in the war room jerk it to that movie.

Duran Duran's drummers pinky finger touched more pussy than all of the Proud Boys combined.

So true, it is like a precursor to full on incel mode....
It looks as though this whole thread was fake news....

A high-ranking member of the FBI in Oregon said that the agency does not designate the far-right Proud Boys as an extremist group, contradicting a report from a law enforcement official in Washington state last month.

Special Agent in Charge Renn Cannon said this week that there was a misinterpretation during a slide-show presentation hosted for officials at the Clark County Sheriff’s Office in Vancouver, Wash., according to the Oregonian.

FBI agents briefed law enforcement leaders in Clark County about the Proud Boys, a far-right group which labels itself as "a pro-Western fraternal organization for men who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world; aka Western Chauvinists."

The slide-show presentation also included information on white supremacists, militia groups and anarchists, Cannon said.

The Clark County Sheriff’s Office later released a report saying the Proud Boys is classified as an extremist group.

The Hill has reached out to the FBI for comment.

The FBI tries to characterize potential threats from members of the Proud Boys but does not designate groups, Cannon explained.

“We do not intend and did not intend to designate the group as extremist,” he said of the presentation, according to the Oregonian.

In a statement to The Hill in November, the FBI emphasized its investigations "focus solely on criminal activity of individuals — regardless of group membership—which appears to be intended to intimidate or coerce the civilian population or influence the policy of the government by intimidation or coercion."

The agency also told The Hill, "The FBI can never initiate an investigation based solely on an individual’s race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, or the exercise of First Amendment rights."

"Our focus is not on membership in particular groups but on individuals who commit violence and criminal activity that constitutes a federal crime or poses a threat to national security," the statement also said. "The FBI does not and will not police ideology."

Gavin McInnes, the founder of Proud Boys, disassociated from the group last month.

McInnes, who also co-founded Vice Media years ago, has repeatedly denied that the Proud Boys are a white nationalist or "alt-right" organization. He was denied a visa to Australia after failing a character test.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), however, does consider the Proud Boys a hate group.

“Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists,” the SPLC's website states. “They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric.”

The group has been involved in several violent clashes in Portland and New York.

Amazon and PayPal have both cut ties with the group and Facebook is also banning accounts associated with the Proud Boys.

One of the best insults I've seen on here.
I'd say 50% of the right wingers in the war room jerk it to that movie.

Duran Duran's drummers pinky finger touched more pussy than all of the Proud Boys combined.

I’d put that number closer to 0%.
Best part of American History X was when the Terminator kid gets shot in the bathroom.
I stoop up and applauded when that happened.
I might make it my av.

You didn't like the part where the car thief got curb stomped?
I wear fred Perry's, hang with skins, have ox blood boots but would never join some group. Once you call yourself something you are tied to the beliefs of random morons...
Skinheads fashion was just a extension to Mod Culture in England in the UK and again was a fashion force when Punk came out till mid 1980s but it was British be it Right Wing and or RedSkin but after 1986 etc it was gone and can't understand why people want to think Skin is a cult or fashion in this day and age as the happy, dangerous days have gone in a musical sense but now its just die any corporate thing.
Fuck the Spirt of 69 .
"The FBI has now categorized the Proud Boys, founded by Canadian Gavin McInnes, as an extremist group with ties to white nationalists..."

About time IMO.

Link below

You rip and the rest of the clowns butthurt about the proud boys being outed should go back to watching the first 10 minutes of american history x on repeat.

Here's what's interesting to me.

People say repeatedly that these groups are racists and such. People rush to their defense by pointing out that a group can support its race, without also being racists.

Yet, every time that one of these groups is shown to be associated with white nationalism or the KKK or white supremacy, those people don't distance themselves from those groups. Instead they attempt to champion them or to turn the attention onto groups that they dislike (BLM and Antifa in this thread).

If they really don't like to be associated with racists and such, why is it so difficult to distance oneself from people associated with racists? And to be clear, I believe them when they says they don't want to be associated with racists and white supremacists.

And the truth is that they're so desperate to prove that the other side's claims about imbalance are untrue that they're mentally affiliating with anyone who says what they already agree with. And so when those affiliates are shown to be undeserving, they can't pivot because their prior support was so exaggerated that they can't manage the potential dissonance. And rather that face the possibility that they misread the affiliate, they attempt to deflect or pump up the flaws of the opposition to create an equivalency in their own mind.

Yes, the people I affiliated with are bad but if the people others affiliate with are just as bad then I can convince myself that I don't need to question anything related to my affiliates.

It's fascinating watching this play out week after week on numerous subjects. It aligns with what the research has shown. When people feel that their ideas are threatened, they respond as if they are being physically attacked.

Good fuck these cryptonazi pussies

Especially when they warned the president of the rise of groups like this 1 year and a half ago and he apparently did nothing, well other than the "both sides" nonsense.

Their leader is a white supremacist who personally, explicitly, advocates for and participates in acts of political violence. Many of his followers advocate and participate in explicit acts of political violence. That's already enough to ding you. When you add in his proclivity for recruiting from the same places as Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor, using most of the same rhetoric, well, there it is.

Sucks you guys were wrong. I'd call you smug, but that is a word best used to describe someone who may have some type of accomplishment to hang over someone. You guys are just bads.
Sucks you guys were wrong. I'd call you smug, but that is a word best used to describe someone who may have some type of accomplishment to hang over someone. You guys are just bads.

I take back nothing I said in the post you quoted.