protien absorbstion


Orange Belt
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
How much can a body absorb at one time?Is it better to spread it out over the day or have 3 big protien meals?Thanks.
come on could find this answer if you either looked here or just did some quick research on the net.

This will depend so much on one's own physiology, activty level, weight, age...there is no magic number. If someone is bodybuilding, they need more protein then someone who lets say is trying to lean down for a fight. It depends so much. Go read then come back if you have more questions.
I hate when people here say "do some research" or "use the search function". If that were the case, the forum would be dead. Everything anyone needs to know is in the stickies. A lot of folks here are just looking for some quick, simple advice. If they're trolling, that's one thing, but if people are asking honest questions, why not just answer it?

To answer the question...the "standard" I've gone with is that the body can assimilate about 60g protein every 2-3 hours.
I'm going to do you one better. I'm going to cook all your food for you.
I hate when people here say "do some research" or "use the search function". If that were the case, the forum would be dead. Everything anyone needs to know is in the stickies. A lot of folks here are just looking for some quick, simple advice. If they're trolling, that's one thing, but if people are asking honest questions, why not just answer it?

Yes, but by saying that we generally get better and more intelligent questions then someone who can't use google for 5 minutes because a new post is quicker.

There's no reason to lower standards because people are lazy. Thats why they are called standards.

If you object, thats your prerogative.
a) If it bothers people...the best thing to do is ignore the post. Why take the time to respond? All it does is bump the post.

b) Every bit of information in this forum could be found with a google search. I think a lot of people forget there are some true novices when it comes to nutrition. There are a handful of experts here, but most are here to learn something. I'm sure there are a lot of good questions that go un-asked because people think they'll get shot down with "you're lazy" or "use the search".

If you don't want to answer the post, ignore it and let it slip to the second page. I just don't see why a person wastes their time responding like that. If you're going to respond, be helpful instead of adding ANOTHER post to a thread you object to.

Like I said, this forum wouldn't be much if you could only ask questions that could be answered in the stickies or with a google search.
a) If it bothers people...the best thing to do is ignore the post. Why take the time to respond? All it does is bump the post.

b) Every bit of information in this forum could be found with a google search. I think a lot of people forget there are some true novices when it comes to nutrition. There are a handful of experts here, but most are here to learn something. I'm sure there are a lot of good questions that go un-asked because people think they'll get shot down with "you're lazy" or "use the search".

If you don't want to answer the post, ignore it and let it slip to the second page. I just don't see why a person wastes their time responding like that. If you're going to respond, be helpful instead of adding ANOTHER post to a thread you object to.

Like I said, this forum wouldn't be much if you could only ask questions that could be answered in the stickies or with a google search.

I have a pro active approach to situations. I don't really sit back.

If I don't understand something, I will usuallly look up some bit and bobs via whatever medium I have, get a basic knowledge of the subject matter and THEN, if I don't know what I wanted to know or would like to bring the discussion to the attention of people who know more then me or have more exposure to other subject matters that might enlighten me, by creating a thread

What's the saying about giving a man a fish you feed his family for a day, but teaching him how to fish will feed his family for a lifetime.

Its not wasting time if it instils (or annoys people enough to go away) work ethic.
God lord I have no problem helping people out in the real world or on here if they show me they have atleast tried and put some effort it (its probably why I don't have much time). But if they don't atleast try, real world or here, I will ridicule and humiliate until they start doing things themselves instead of looking for hand outs.

I can't respect people who don't respect themselves

Oh sorry

Like I said...every thread on the first page could be found on google. I'm sure there are plenty of steak recipes on google, yet there is a multi-page thread.

Some people (like me) would rather come here to do their research and ask questions of educated people than do it on google. But to each his own.

Cheers, bro.
As I said, we all have our own prerogative. Mine's just harsh

Now I'm hungry for steak
I agree with Ian. Leave discussions for questions that an't be answered by searching. I know I get sick of repeating myself when something like this could be found in a search as we just had this talk last week. If you don't like it muythai you know where the door is.
Like I said...every thread on the first page could be found on google. I'm sure there are plenty of steak recipes on google, yet there is a multi-page thread.

Some people (like me) would rather come here to do their research and ask questions of educated people than do it on google. But to each his own.

Cheers, bro.

He's asking a question relevant only to him, and expects someone to tell it to him as if it were fact. To find out how much protein you can fully absorb in one sitting takes numerous things into account. An easier solution would be to do some research before bugging us about a question that can't even definitively be answered.

Everyone is different. Nobody has a clue who this guy is. How can we know how much protein his body is capable of absorbing in one sitting?

On the fact of splitting nutrition across multiple meals, it is common information that is mentioned everywhere on this forum. Everyone that posts here should at minimum have to read berardi's 7 habits... it would save everyone a ton of time. Even if you don't accept his word as the truth, it is something everyone should be aware of.

But seriously, I usually try not to give people a hard time, unless they are asking an extremely vague and not thought out question.
Yeah, and if you don't like it, keep wasting your time commenting in threads you despise. People are so amusing. I like the forum as is, even with the menial, repeated questions. Kinda like the BA dosage one right above the 50+ page BA thread. You guys need to find something worthwhile to worry about.
He's asking a question relevant only to him, and expects someone to tell it to him as if it were fact. To find out how much protein you can fully absorb in one sitting takes numerous things into account. An easier solution would be to do some research before bugging us about a question that can't even definitively be answered.

Everyone is different. Nobody has a clue who this guy is. How can we know how much protein his body is capable of absorbing in one sitting?

On the fact of splitting nutrition across multiple meals, it is common information that is mentioned everywhere on this forum. Everyone that posts here should at minimum have to read berardi's 7 habits... it would save everyone a ton of time. Even if you don't accept his word as the truth, it is something everyone should be aware of.

But seriously, I usually try not to give people a hard time, unless they are asking an extremely vague and not thought out question.

The same thing could be said about every thread in the forum. I just don't understand why the people take the time to respond with "use the search" instead of answering it or ignoring it. If there's no interest, it'll move quickly to the second page.

I'm also guessing most of the guys that read this forum aren't as educated and that's why they're here. In fact, the thread starter may not have a clue where to start with protein. I guess I stand on the side of trying to educate people instead of telling them to beat it and don't bother us with those silly questions. Everyone has to start somewhere.

I see you're participating in the BA dosage thread, yet there is another huge thread on it that answers that question.

But whatevs...
The same thing could be said about every thread in the forum. I just don't understand why the people take the time to respond with "use the search" instead of answering it or ignoring it. If there's no interest, it'll move quickly to the second page.

I'm also guessing most of the guys that read this forum aren't as educated and that's why they're here. In fact, the thread starter may not have a clue where to start with protein. I guess I stand on the side of trying to educate people instead of telling them to beat it and don't bother us with those silly questions. Everyone has to start somewhere.

I see you're participating in the BA dosage thread, yet there is another huge thread on it that answers that question.

But whatevs...

1) The only way I'm educated is by doing what I said above. I read up and then asked questions.

2) The whole 'educating people' aspect is good, but in reality if people don't learn things for themselves they will never learn and become a burden and don't believe they can contribute, in which case the reality is they will never add something useful to a discussion because they have never thought about something, they have merely done what they are told.

3) The useage of BA is very new, hence all the discussion and general 'chit chat'.
Protein supplementation, like creatine, has been around for AGES. Hence the curt 'search noob' response.

Also joshetc made a very good point about all of the variables for such a vague question. by the TS

edit-MuyThaiFighter (did you spell that wrong on purpose btw?)- think of each training discussion room as a bar or club. Do something stupid or uneducated (in relation to the conditions of said bar or club) and you will be hounded and bullied until you either; adapt, give as good as you get (pretty much the same as adapt) or leave and find somewhere more accomodating to your view point.
Its how these things work in the real world and so it is here.

If you think this is bad, go to S&P sometime :icon_chee

Those keys crack me up
Im not trying to be a dick but yes...simple questions and answers can at least be googled before you come here
Each person is different. Personally If I am taking straight Whey Isolate or Ion Exchange Whey I can do about 45 grams at one time. If I use a blended protein (Fast and Slow Absorbtion) I can go a bit more.

Your doctor can run a piss test and tell you your protein levels being pissed out. If you have a lot of excess protein in your urine back off the doses (Of course if the is not a medical problem causing it).
Im not trying to be a dick but yes...simple questions and answers can at least be googled before you come here

Actually if you put forth effort everything can be answered using google or some other type of search.
I hate when people here say "do some research" or "use the search function". If that were the case, the forum would be dead. Everything anyone needs to know is in the stickies. A lot of folks here are just looking for some quick, simple advice. If they're trolling, that's one thing, but if people are asking honest questions, why not just answer it?

To answer the question...the "standard" I've gone with is that the body can assimilate about 60g protein every 2-3 hours.

You haven't been here long enough. Half of all threads could be done with the F&Q

We don't answer them because we have done it so many times. So we leave them until a worthwile subject comes up, and that happens quite a bit.

BTW your standard is wrong.

As for the rest, you know where the door is man if you don't like it:icon_chee
well, i started quite an argument...hell i just thought the question was a little too basic for around here...some good stuff gets discussed in here sometimes. And protein assimilation MuyThai doesnt have a standard...its going to change daily and depend on how that indiviudal assimilates protein. This could be from energy expenditure, lean body mass (which in reality is just more of a contribution to energy expenditure), and whether or not the person ingesting protein has genitial herpes.

Well maybe not the last one but you get the point:) There is really no set way of telling. Too many variables. But lean body mass and stress on the body is a place to start.