Protein products


Red Belt
Jan 1, 2004
Reaction score
Ive never taken a protein supplement before but Im considering it now, so I went to GNC and saw that they have many different kinds. I want to use the protein to gain more muscle from lifting.

I asked the woman that works there and she just said "That one has different Vitamins and stuff". When I asked her what kinds of Aminoacids it has she told me "It doesnt have Aminoacids, just protein".

Is it normal that they know nothing?
Dude, that bitch who you were talking to at GNC is retarded hahah
protein is consisted of amino acids.
Normal, yes. De facto, no.

Kabuki works at a GNC. Chad has worked at a GNC. RJKD worked at a GNC. BoxingFanNoMore worked at a GNC. Terumo worked at a GNC.

Come to think of it, I better go get a job at a GNC or I'm gonna lose all my respect around here. The young bucks will be attempting hits on my account, beating up my sister hoping I'll flip out, ooh it makes me mad.
So anyway, what about all those different protein supplements?
Actually Mick, I worked at a Wild Oats as the supplement buyer.

How dare you insult me like that.

*ducking a KK lead hook*
Ultrashogun said:
So anyway, what about all those different protein supplements?
If you're looking for the cheapest quality protein then buy from All The Whey. They're in my "Where to Buy Your Supplements" thread.
There is no nutritional training needed to work at just have to know how to push products and run a cash register. C'mon, if they knew what they were doing, do you think they'd be working at GNC or have a job as a nutritionist?
bdweezil6998 said:
There is no nutritional training needed to work at just have to know how to push products and run a cash register. C'mon, if they knew what they were doing, do you think they'd be working at GNC or have a job as a nutritionist?

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