Proper way to do dips, I can't seem to figure it out.


Blue Belt
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score

This is what I have to work with at my gym, the bars are fat and they V out. Anyway it seems like I have to focus everything on not shrugging my shoulder when I dip so I am not able to focus on the muscles I am trying to work. When I try and keep my shoulder steady and my chest up and out my shoulders tend to want to sqeeze back putting tension on them.

I have youtubed and looked around and havent been able to find anything that helps, also when I go to the gym no matter what I an working on for the day I try to do a couple reps of dips just to practice my form. Also when using the machine with the V bars which way is best to face, towards the pad or away from it?
Theres a few variations for the dip, but I'm going to assume you want the one that brings up your chest?
Hold your body at arms length above the bars.
Lower yourself down slowly, lean your body slightly forward (about 30 degrees) with your elbows flared out slightly until you feel a stretch in your chest.
Once you feel the stretch use your chest to bring yourself back to the starting position, squeeze your chest at the top of the movement.

I think regarless of how you tweak your technique your shoulder blades will always squeeze together. If your not strong enough to do this using just your bodyweight then use an assisted dip machine or a spotter.

Oh, face away from the machine, so you dont clonk your head on anything, unless you need a spot.
well I am going to assume that your not doing dips for CHEST. which would be ridiculous. if you want a bigger chest, wide grip bench and do fly's right after. Dips, are however, GREAT for tricep strength and mass. i assume by the ''V'' you mean that one end is closer together than the other, so get as close as you can to to the bottom of the V where your hands will be closer to your waist. this will take your anterior deltoids and chest out of the movement more. then, when the first curly's start to sprout on your coinpurse, take a chain, wrap it around your waist, and start hangin plates off your ass. also, it may help if you lean your body forward slightly, most likely your problems stem from weakness in several different areas, including your shoulders but also your back and core, which are both used to stabalize your body in this position. if you want it to feel easier, simply follow these instructions, and do dips often. if dips still are giving you problems, try close grip bench, i like cgb because i can lift a phenomenal amount of weight, and it translates better to bench press, esp. when paired with wide grip bench.