Do you know what PED stands for?
Then why do fighters take them?
Cause it aint for shits and giggles.
Don't think he is a sherdogger or he would be at least 6'4" and rippedNever thought a Sherdogger would actually be successful in the cage.
here is the science as you can see FACTS brother
I bet most wont read ..
There are plenty of guys that can be appropriately used as an example here, but Sapp is not one of them.
This. The guy literally used sheer size and power to beat great fighters .
Need I remind you that a prime Sapp put a worse beatdown on Nog than anybody ever (Nog's neck is still fucked to this very day from that powerbomb), and also stopped Ernesto m'fing Hoost under K-1 rules TWICE?
Motivated Sapp ruins almost all of the guys he's thrown fights against in the past decade.
here is the science as you can see FACTS brother