Pro-Life GOP House Rep urged abortion to GF during affair...

Nobody in the GOP actually cares about abortions, gays or any of the family values horseshit. It's just an act they put on to get their idiot base into the voting booth.

AMEN Brother K1levelgrappler!... AMEN!!!
You realize that this being fake would mean that they're printing lies about whether or not the woman had an affair, lies about whether or not she had a pregnancy scare, lies about whether or not her affair was with the politician.

They would be printing a ton of lies about this woman, not just the politician. They included her name and her husband's name.

They would also be lying about a request made to the local courts and lying about how the court responded to that request.

You really believe they would open themselves up to all of that litigation for printing lies about people just to make one random pro-life politician look bad?
happened before
as to the resources part, bringing this up in court is a waste to start, before we get into the person who said that the carrier would give them to the court (which is the part i was talking about)
happened before
as to the resources part, bringing this up in court is a waste to start, before we get into the person who said that the carrier would give them to the court (which is the part i was talking about)

It's not a waste at all. Proving that the woman had the affair goes to establishing fault. If there are kids, it might affect custody. If there's an alimony request it would affect that. At the very least, it can offset negative things the husband did. The financial and custody component of divorce proceedings are all about the leverage you have over the other partner as a bad actor during the marriage.

"happened before" is a cop out. Politicians have had affairs and solicited abortions in the past. That too has "happened before". Socially conservative politicians have been caught engaging in the very behavior they campaign against. That too has "happened before". If "happened before" is your justification for labeling this story a lie then it's just as compelling an argument for labeling this story as the truth.
It's not a waste at all. Proving that the woman had the affair goes to establishing fault. If there are kids, it might affect custody. If there's an alimony request it would affect that. At the very least, it can offset negative things the husband did. The financial and custody component of divorce proceedings are all about the leverage you have over the other partner as a bad actor during the marriage.

"happened before" is a cop out. Politicians have had affairs and solicited abortions in the past. That too has "happened before". Socially conservative politicians have been caught engaging in the very behavior they campaign against. That too has "happened before". If "happened before" is your justification for labeling this story a lie then it's just as compelling an argument for labeling this story as the truth.
Not labelling it a lie. Saying you haven't seen definitive proof. The whole first paragraph is everything wrong with family courts
This guy is hypocrite scum. Just like Al gore is with his Global Warming hypocrisy.

Gotta call em on both sides
Not labelling it a lie. Saying you haven't seen definitive proof. The whole first paragraph is everything wrong with family courts

So, unless we're there when he tells her to get the abortion, we can just write it off? And if you're not labeling it a lie, you're certainly implying that it shouldn't be trusted which is close enough in a black/white situation as to nearly identical. I'm not saying you're lying, I'm just saying we shouldn't trust what you say - no one would read that and consider it.

And the first paragraph doesn't show anything wrong with family courts. People need to stop being dishonest about their marriages and then maybe they can being liars about divorce. These are economic matters that need to be resolved. When you get married, you often ask your partner to make a sacrifice for the good of the marriage, it's a sacrifice of time or money. You can't get time back and if the trade off of one person's time was so that the other person can make more money then it needs to be accounted for.

Kids aren't free. Divorce isn't a get out of child care free card. Too often people don't seem to care all that much about how the time and money on the children is spent...until after they divorce and suddenly they start counting every penny that their former spouse is spending and how.

I always say, if you don't want to get stuck with child support marry someone who makes more than you and take on the child care duties. Yet, for some reason, people keep responding about traditional gender roles and men are the providers. People can't have it both ways. And instead of accepting this, they blame the courts. I guess that's easier than making lifestyle changes.
So, unless we're there when he tells her to get the abortion, we can just write it off? And if you're not labeling it a lie, you're certainly implying that it shouldn't be trusted which is close enough in a black/white situation as to nearly identical. I'm not saying you're lying, I'm just saying we shouldn't trust what you say - no one would read that and consider it.

And the first paragraph doesn't show anything wrong with family courts. People need to stop being dishonest about their marriages and then maybe they can being liars about divorce. These are economic matters that need to be resolved. When you get married, you often ask your partner to make a sacrifice for the good of the marriage, it's a sacrifice of time or money. You can't get time back and if the trade off of one person's time was so that the other person can make more money then it needs to be accounted for.

Kids aren't free. Divorce isn't a get out of child care free card. Too often people don't seem to care all that much about how the time and money on the children is spent...until after they divorce and suddenly they start counting every penny that their former spouse is spending and how.

I always say, if you don't want to get stuck with child support marry someone who makes more than you and take on the child care duties. Yet, for some reason, people keep responding about traditional gender roles and men are the providers. People can't have it both ways. And instead of accepting this, they blame the courts. I guess that's easier than making lifestyle changes.
Why would custody be based on infidelity
We didn't even make the president step down for doing it repeatedly
Why would custody be based on infidelity
We didn't even make the president step down for doing it repeatedly

It's not based on infidelity but it can play a role in it's assignment. One parent can argue that they provide a better example of moral character for the children. It's never going to decide things but it's an argument to be made if one parent truly believes that they provide a better moral environment.
I'm not sure why you brought me in here. But I think we need to turn back to Jesus Christ. He is the only hope for our nation.

He's so much the only hope for our nation, it was explicitly created by many christians to keep him, and every other god out of the civil realm, from our nation's inception.

These platitudes mean nothing. The pilferers of your book, the followers of Islam, assert that only Allah can save humans. Like you, their beliefs are equally uncontaminated by evidence and reason.

One need only look at the Burned Over district of New York to see how much we need Jesus, or any other God, to save our nation.
It's not based on infidelity but it can play a role in it's assignment. One parent can argue that they provide a better example of moral character for the children. It's never going to decide things but it's an argument to be made if one parent truly believes that they provide a better moral environment.
One thing my state got right is no fault divorce. 50/50 out the gate. No primary parent either.
I wish I could drag guys like him out into the street and just pummel them to death
Well, he resigned. I hope that puts the "fake news" brigade to bed.
I am sure there are many in congress that vote differently than their personal beliefs.

A member of the house of representative's job is to vote for what their constituents want, not what they personally want,