Prison movies similar to Escape from Alcatraz?


Gold Belt
May 14, 2008
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Looking for suspenseful prison escape movies to watch that are similar to Escape from Alcatraz.
That age of the film doesn't matter.

Just finished watching Lock Up & Escape Plan with Sylvester Stallone and they were both dumb as hell.

Looking for something better than that. Any recommendations?
Shawshank Redemption is the most obvious one
Pretty much The Shawshank Redemption...which you've probably already seen. It even borrowed a lot of elements from Escape From Alcatraz but it's a vastly superior film.

Good prison break movies are hard to make. Usually they are like the shitty Stallone ones.
its not an escape movie but Felon is awesome
That was a fun movie.

The obvious choice if you enjoyed that is Shawshank Redemption.
Or a good classic, The Great Escape.
Mel Gibson's Get the Gringo.
The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption and Escape from Alcatraz are the best prison movies. Well that's if you aren't counting Chained Heat that is.
The GOAT prison movie:


Midnight Express is another one of the great '70s prison movies. There are also some excellent older prison movies from the classical Hollywood era like Each Dawn I Die and Brute Force. And if POW stuff counts, there's stuff like The Great Escape and The Hill that'd be worth checking out.
The Shawshank escape got torn apart in another thread. The pipe experts came out in full force.
I fucking hate Shawshank Redemption and Green Mile. Just brutal movies..

I haven't seen it yet but I hear Short Eyes is good.. It's about a child molester's time in prison. Blood In Blood Out is all over the place, occasionally hilariously cheesy but still entertaining.. Let's Go to Prison is a decent jail comedy by Bob Oedenkirk. Fuck, I'm having a hard time thinking of prison movies that haven't been mentioned and none of those are escape movies.

Think I'll give Get the Gringo a try though.

Fuck... Just watch Oz.
Mel Gibson's Get the Gringo.

Good film, but it dosen't really feel like a suspensful escape film. The prison in that movie is more like a city in-and-of-itself than a penitentiary.