Prescription diet drug Orlistat goes over the counter


Blue Belt
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
Weighing a Pill For Weight Loss

By Sally Squires

Tuesday, January 24, 2006; Page HE01

A government committee of health experts yesterday opened the door to selling Orlistat, a prescription weight-loss drug in a reduced dosage directly to consumers.

While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still must approve the switch, the agency often follows the advice of its experts. If it does, Orlistat (xenical) -- currently sold only by prescription -- could be available over-the-counter (OTC) later this year. But it's important to know that the weight loss that's typical for users of the drug -- 5 to 10 percent of total weight -- will be less than many dieters expect. And many consumers may be put off by the drug's significant gastrointestinal side effects, including flatulence, diarrhea and anal leakage
Kind of like a commercial I saw yesterday.

"You may experience increased heart rate, hairloss, stroke, or death. Please consult your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms."

Uhhh doc... I just died. Help.
Hmmmmmmm. Lose 12-24lb and have anal leakage. tempting. Of course if it's a reduced dosage, you may not even lose the 5-10%.
I think the one study showed a 5-6 pound loss over the placebo group. And this was over a 6 month period. WHY would you put yourself thru that.....for 5 pounds in 6 months. Geez....
I think the one study showed a 5-6 pound loss over the placebo group. And this was over a 6 month period. WHY would you put yourself thru that.....for 5 pounds in 6 months. Geez....

I refer you to the depression thread. lol

Alright that was terrible. But it's true. If anyone hasn't seen that the drug industry capitalizes moreso on the mental instability, co-dependant nature, and addictive personalities of today's society, then I suggest they get their radar fixed before venturing forward in life.

Check out my latest entry in this thread, it's the same deal: