Prem Fred 2019/20 v29: Get well soon Harry Kane Edition

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Selfie we took today

she said “we could do x for our birthdays” (we’re both born in July)

then I went, you actually want to see me again?! :eek: (lol)

then she went well yerrr

then I asked her

and she went she was happy I asked lol

Hopefully I’m not late on this.

The relationship soak is very dangerous, be careful. You will have an urge to move, but think of a scenario where Ashley Young Mustafi wants to leave and other teams are interested but Arsenal decides to sign him to a long term contract, the devils magic will rain down hard on vile premarital activities. Stay strong. Never pose in front of her.

<{1-7}> gg m8
You also work in shifts innit?
No just nights. Thought about switching to normal hours but I like the extra money for now. Maybe when it gets warmer and I can actually enjoy my summer, now it’s cold and don’t care lol
No just nights. Thought about switching to normal hours but I like the extra money for now. Maybe when it gets warmer and I can actually enjoy my summer, now it’s cold and don’t care lol
Ahh Ok, one guy from our production only does night shifts too, that would kill me lol. But once or twice a month is fine for me, the work is actually more than during the day but when you are done, you can watch movies/sports etc. in peace. Sadly the cunts blocked Netflix and Prime vids from working, which in my opinion is clearly the worst injustice to ever happen in Germany. At least DAZN still works.


im dead
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