Locked Prem Euro 2024 Thread v1: England V Spain It's Coming Home Edition

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I saw those people saying that he had ripped off some Albanian gangsters :eek:

I've only just started reading about it all but it does seem like there is more to the story than him just getting off his nut and wandering off.

Teneriffe is tiny too so you would think they would have found him by now if there wasn't something dodgy going on.

Thing is, the circumstances make no sense either. He 'missed a bus' and his next best option was to set off walking on 10hr journey with no fluids and 1% battery on his phone, with no idea where he was going. Instead of, you know, waiting for the next bus or getting a taxi and paying at the other end. This wasn't some back end of beyond place he was, he had gone there with other tourists - it's somewhere tourists go, there would've been modes of transport and shops etc around he could go into for help/assistance.

The whole thing is bollocks IMO. As in, the story his friend has given.

He's clearly a jumped up, cocky little prick so it's not hard to imagine him crossing the wrong person.
Got to be more to that story, otherwise FTW.

Seems unbelievable from the headline.
Thing is, the circumstances make no sense either. He 'missed a bus' and his next best option was to set off walking on 10hr journey with no fluids and 1% battery on his phone, with no idea where he was going. Instead of, you know, waiting for the next bus or getting a taxi and paying at the other end. This wasn't some back end of beyond place he was, he had gone there with other tourists - it's somewhere tourists go, there would've been modes of transport and shops etc around he could go into for help/assistance.

The whole thing is bollocks IMO. As in, the story his friend has given.

He's clearly a jumped up, cocky little prick so it's not hard to imagine him crossing the wrong person.

It does seem like there is something off about it all. They're saying there are buses all the time so that story doesn't add up.
Took a few booze/drug fueled excursions like that in Ibiza, myself in my younger days.

Pretty lucky I never got punished for the decision in retrospect.
You never split someone's skull open with a machete, golf club and axe though did you.
Not sure what happened in his case but recently alot of tourists have died after for one reason or another went for a walk and the heat caught them off guard.
I remember few years back being in Spain, spent couple hours in hotel with AC. Didnt drink and didnt feel like i needed water, go to restaurant 15-20 minute walk and my calfs started to cramp and before ordering food drank litre of water. This Slater kid apparently decided to walk to his hotel, 10 hour walk or whatever. No phone and guessing not much water and its 5-10 degrees warmer in Southern Europe than when i was in Spain.

Though some british detective said he would investigate this as murder so idk.
The ten hour walk story isn't very plausible imo, but if he just died of dehydration where's the body? I must say I haven't really looked into this but superficially it seems something's probably up.
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