Locked Prem Euro 2024 Thread v1: England V Spain It's Coming Home Edition

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It's a fairly small island and they have search teams, including experts who can predict where people are likely to be, dogs, drones, helicopters (with infra red?), local and national police, the fire brigade and lots of members of the public helping and have been searching for days. I'm sure it's occurred to them to look in ravines and caves etc. I doubt he would go in a cave though. If I were dying of dehydration I would go downhill to find water. If you were calling for help in hot weather with no water how far do you think you would walk after calling? Probably not very far. Of course he could be in a hole or have fallen into water and been carried away or something but it's unlikely that they wouldn't have found him by now, and that's without all the suspicious texts and backstory etc. which have been mentioned above. Let's see what happens, I'm invested in this story now as well.
Just guessing but if he walked middle of the night, one could panic and while dehydrated its entirely possible (even if its unlikely), one could end up somewhere remote and out of sight.
Not to mention that area has ravines, mountains and sea is close by. Not exactly an area i would like to walk alone in, with no phone or water, with the area being unfamiliar to me and possibly when its dark.
Euros should go back to 16 Teams but money-grubbing UEFA will never do it.
There's solittle intrigue in these 3rd games

Having Copa America and the Euro going on simultaneously is a rare win for FIFA. Having games all day is awesome.

But both need to cut down in the number of teams. Euros need to go back to 16 teams to cut down on the number of mediocre, filler teams, and Copa America needs to go back to being South America-only with 10 teams. Concalaugh already have their shitty Gold Cup.
Just seen Austrias side of the draw. Zero big teams until the final, all on the opposite side eliminating one another. Italy, Netherlands, England, Switzerland, all beatable on current form. Sticking some cash on them tomorrow. Worth a pop.
@BroRogan @UVee @650lb Sumo

Got my schedule times sorted and snacks ready
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