Pre-fight foods?


Yellow Belt
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
What would you guys say is the best light, high energy food to eat before a fight/tournament?
Man this is a loaded question...but it's pretty easy. You should train like you're going to fight right?! So before you train try different foods and see what generally always gives you the most gas.
I dont like to eat much the day of the fight personally....maybe some sort of natural oatmeal bar (Cliff is my fav) that sort of Japan we (i) eat these square of tuna and rice wrapped in seaweed you can buy at the convenience stores.
this will depend person to person.
Whatever you do, do NOT try something different, or a quantity you've never taken in before. Eat known foods with known results.

But it is a bit of a loaded question in the fact there's too many variables to give you a proper answer on an Internet forum. You need to know your GI tract, if and how much weight you've cut, etc, etc.
Depends on how much time you have between waking up and fighting. You should definitely get a meal in about 2 1/2 to 3 hours before you fight, and then have a few small, starchy snacks along with gatorade or something similar leading up to it.