Possibly the best Rampage interview ever

sherdog has done better rampage interveiws. nuthin special here
LMAO, "I don't beat up ladies, I beat IT up."
Nothing funny about a grown man behaving like a 14 ghetto child.
Chicks always hit on Rampage then once they get what they want pussy sherdoggers scream "He's harassing them!!! :'("
Chicks always hit on Rampage then once they get what they want pussy sherdoggers scream "He's harassing them!!! :'("

Well you know a decade ago he dry humped an Asian reporter...so he's obviously a psychotic sex offender.

He also mad a "rape" video remember that guys.....except he was playing the role of a guy who was trying to rape a girl...messed with the wrong girl (who turned out to be a guy) and got raped himself. As in, a bad guy trying to do something bad, got what was coming to him. However, it will always be referred to as the "rape video" as if he actually made a video just about raping a girl.
Chicks always hit on Rampage then once they get what they want pussy sherdoggers scream "He's harassing them!!! :'("

rampage is the one that hits on chicks. the chicks dig it though, so it's all good.
what was the first one? I heard james toney I couldn't make one the one before it. I heard "kid ink" then the other time I heard "titties" and I don't think either are right