Popular porn site "GirlsDoPorn" going bankrupt, getting sued

If you read the article, it's clear they were lied to verbally, then the truth was put in writing, but they weren't allowed to read it.

What are you getting out of behaving like a troll here?
They weren't allowed to read it??? That is a categorically false statement. They CHOSE not to read it. Huge difference . Why are you trolling with false information?
I remember an interview with this pretty clean cut college suburban white chick who said she rather suck dick for a 100 bucks on backpage than be caught dead working at McDonald or home depot.

For them working an honest job at home depot or mcdonalds is more shameful than sucking a strangers dirty penis and letting them degrade their poon and spit on them.
I didn’t even know this website existed. Will check it out later
And lastly porn is bad because it is allowing men who didnt earn or deserve to see prime women naked, and now they can see it and it causes male resentment and gives men unrealistic standards.

Yup, exactly.
After watching their videos I can say that I’m 100% appalled of this whole situation.
The company used other women to groom applicants into signing contracts and they were lied to about how much they were to be paid and where the porn would be released. That’s fraud. As for them being outed for doing porn, that’s on them for making the poor decision in the first place.
Well to be far even the CFO of Facebook did not read the contract. Most lay people will not read it thru if they are being advised by the other side and have not yet had a real reason to distrust them.

I am not saying that to absolve them of blame. Just to say that is the way it is.

The CFO of Facebook wanted to do porn?........
Or are you comparing the TOS /clicking yes of using Facebook to a porn contract?

If some one want to pay you to fuck on camera its on you to read the contract.
Trust the guy on the other side of the table... A guy that wants to pay up you to fuck on camera.
Its like people have not heard of internet and could google names, companies, similar experience before signing up.
They are preying on young and naive girls. The human brain continues to develop until the age of 25 but 18 year olds are allowed to make foolish decisions. However, they should be provided all of the information and shouldnt be deceived in the way that these women were.
The CFO of Facebook wanted to do porn?........
Or are you comparing the TOS /clicking yes of using Facebook to a porn contract?

If some one want to pay you to fuck on camera its on you to read the contract.
Trust the guy on the other side of the table... A guy that wants to pay up you to fuck on camera.
Its like people have not heard of internet and could google names, companies, similar experience before signing up.
The CFO of Facebook did not read the contract that first capitalized the company with VC money and that is when Zuckerberg screwed him out of all his shares.

Yes it is everyone's responsibility to read every contract. That is absolutely true and I agree. Just like it is everyone responsibility to read the terms and agreement contract they agree to whenever they put an app on their phone. Very few people do either.

I am not trying to minimize one by comparing it to the other. Just pointing out very few people read them.
I remember an interview with this pretty clean cut college suburban white chick who said she rather suck dick for a 100 bucks on backpage than be caught dead working at McDonald or home depot.

For them working an honest job at home depot or mcdonalds is more shameful than sucking a strangers dirty penis and letting them degrade their poon and spit on them.

The pay on these sites that these girls get is pretty low honestly. $2,000.00 is what I've read in the past. So they are getting paid $2,000.00 for a marathon fuck session that is going to be posted online and make it onto most free sites. At the bare minimum, their face and preview is viewable on the website. Almost all of the sites are designed to be somewhat degrading to the girls too.

Most of these girls would be better off trying to be a low key escorts. I'm pretty sure with apps like Tinder, most could actually pick their clients too.

I honestly wonder if someone went to a college bar with something like $300, how many girls would be willing to bang. $300 isn't shit to most of us who are 30+, but to a college girl, that seems like a hell of a pay day.
They were also told 6 grand for a half hour shoot. Some of you would do that now lol....Think about an 18 year old making $10 an hour. She goes in thinking it’s 30 minutes of sex for an amount that would take her 6 months to earn. Then they actually aren’t paid that, we’re railed and throat fucked way harder than they expected for way longer than 30 minutes, and on top of that, get exposed for what they did. Of course it’s coming back to the company.
They're only mad because they got outed...

They were ok with whole thing when the videos were only going to be released in Australia... because obviously Australians don't know how to use the internet... lol.
They weren't allowed to read the contract they signed?

While that’s difficult to prove the most damaging part to GDP is that someone is testifying in court that GDP paid her to call the girls and pretend to be a referral and tell them the videos are DVD for private collectors. Add to the fact that they are able to link bogus modeling casting companies to the owners of GDP. This really isn’t rocket science....it’s pretty clear they were running a shady operation as they were using burner phones for contact with the girls(easy evidence to find through call records).

There could be some bullshit to the coercion part of the lawsuit but you would have to be naive to think this is a simple case of not reading a contract. That’s why this thing has been in court for years and wasn’t thrown out and a lawyer representing the girls would take a case like this on contingency.
I'm not sure if a lot of people here didn't read the link, or they just don't understand it. This isn't going to end well for GDP.
I'll never understand the incels who go out of their way to blackmail or ruin these women, one girls picture was taped to her fathers door.

If you guys actually read the article its pretty fucked up what those dudes did.
I'm not sure if a lot of people here didn't read the link, or they just don't understand it. This isn't going to end well for GDP.

Haven't they already declared bankruptcy?